Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Warhol vs. Chekov

a quick plug for a shit* show with ace music.

'The Cherry Orchard - through the eyes of Andy Warhol'
Music by 'Skeletan Soup' (they're very very good).
It's worth coming to see said shit show just for the 15 minutes in the middle where all the actors are busy on stage and the band goes off! It's Dan's band, and they're ace, even though he shits me at the moment. They're very very groovey.

It's on this week at RMIT Union Kaleide theatre, 360 Swanston St (next to the Comm Bank)
7.30pm, $5 concess $10 full, Union arts members get in free, and you can join Union Arts for only $5, and then you'll be able to get into almost everything that goes on at the theatre for free for a whole year!

I've seen it a couple of times, and it's getting better, and this is the second and last week - so it should only go up from here. I encourage all to come see, even if just so that they can say that they did. It's a good conversation starter - "hey! so, I saw this really shit play last night... but man the music was good!"

*ok - I need to clarify. It's not actually shit, in the textbook definition of shit... There were many individual performances that I thoroughly enjoyed... and moments and stuff - but really, it's not visually appealing, and the whole thing didn't really stick together very well.... and of course it makes no sense at all... and you don't really know what's going on. But yeah, a few people are very funny and entertaining and all that... ..... ..... ..... ok?

I think Skeleton Soup are actually going to play Ruby's later in the year, which is exciting for me...

mmm I'm slightly happier today.


Blogger gun street girl said...

Hey, I took a very small leave of absence from the internet recently to preserve my health and my sanity....
I hope yr doin' good, especially in light of prior post(below) and all the stull we "massive girlytalked" about the other night.
You should come down to the hills on a wednesday night(it's been looming for ages, just get it over with, could be fun right?) and hang out, we could rope maara into it, you could meet some of my hilarious friends...
OR I could make my way up to the city at some stage(not to see dan's band tho, I hate him and refuse to appreciate his music, unless i don't have to travel mire than 3 k's to see/here it.
you take care of your essence and don't be hiding your light under any bussels, or whatever(refer to nelson mandela quote).
I MEAN IT! xoxoxo

8:47 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

you're not allowed to hate him - only I am. It's not like I've not been trying to come down on wednesdays! (well... admittedly, there were a couple of weeks that I completely forgot about it) but, like these past two weeks the show's been on, and people I know have been going, so I've had to go too! I'm still trying very hard to come... I promise.

You're going to have to make your way into the city on TUESDAY for SOMEONE'S very special event!! (I'm very excited!)

10:11 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

You should be plugging you opening...
er that doesn't sound right...
make that:
You should post something on your blog so if anyone reads it they can find out where and when to come and see your really impressive jewellery...
that's more like it.

11:00 AM  

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