Thursday, August 04, 2005

Like, Totally Weird, Man

so, it's a very small world isn't it? Even a very small internet... and this is why:

Yesterday, I was very bored here at work, as there wasn't much going on. Much like right now. But don't let my boss hear me say that, because otherwise I'd have to give a big speech on why my job here is very important, and why they shouldn't let me go. Oh dear, I'm rambling again... ahem. Back to it.

Ok, so I was bored, and I was surfing the net, just trying to think of stuff to look up - and becuase I'm a complete comedy geek, I decided to try and see if Tim Minchin has a web page (which it turns out, he doesn't, unless I'm just retarded and typing in "Tim Minchin" in google doesn't work). And one of the sites it brings up just happens to be a webpage! And that person is a photographer who takes photos (duh) of comedy people, portraits and the like, and he just mentioned in passing that he took one of Tim Minchin. But reading through his posts, it turns out he seems to know the Bedroom Philosopher (aka Justin Hazlewood) very well - who just happens to be a very good friend of a very good friend of mine, and whom my housemate has slept with a couple of times! How weird and random is that? So now I've bookmarked his site, in this hope that he'll talk more about this person, and I can creepily and voyeristically listen in on the goings on in his life. How cool is that? (and yes - creepy). Looks like he's a really good photographer as well - he's got examples of his work posted on his blog as well - there's a portrait of Scod that hes done, and it's very cute. Again, another connection to my life - the housemate that slept with the Bedroom Philosopher also got chatty with Scod - but he has a wife, but he did remember her (my housemate I mean, I'm assuming he remembers his wife) a couple of times when we went out and have seen him. She's a bitch though, because she didn't introduce me. Mind you, what was I going to say? "hehehe" that would have been it.


Blogger gun street girl said...

what's the website you speak of, I'd like to revisit my combedy interest, it sounds interesting,
ps I don't know dan well enough to hate him, but it does really piss me off hearing about how he's not very nice to you, I was in a crap relationship (befor this one, remember?) so I guess I'm just identifying and being pissed off on your account.
cos i like you:)
*pops vitamin tab*

10:46 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

it's the one on my blog as '...something just for me...'
it's just a blog, but yeah - he's got some photos posted that he's taken - he's very good!

1:08 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

yes, i know where you're coming from about all that boy stuff... just - 'hate' is a very strong word... you don't know him well enough to hate him just what he's doing to me... i know... fine line - hey can I have one of those pills? ....... aaaahhh all better now

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know you or the guy you're talking about but I hate him too.

But, then again, I am a trembling ball of pent-up fury.

2:27 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

oh dear... I think I've started something

ps. sorry for sending that to your email surly... I just wanted to see what would happen if I just pressed 'reply'...

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, no worries. I didn't think I was ready to take it to the next level yet, but clearly you're a lady that likes to move fast.

4:33 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

hey, I worked hard to form these online friendships... laying all that careful groundwork, agonising over what punctuatuation, yes thats what I sed,to use, and you just waltz in and sweep them all away....
...well thats ok, cos I like you.

7:41 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

Surly: I sure am... When I want something I hate having to wait for it... but don't get worried - I'm not on the prowl.

Gun: See above comment, PLUS I'm sure you'll always be no. one to all these lovely people. I can't compete with you my love... ;)

9:36 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

hey thanks dude.

wow - who are you? was it completely random that you found me on this here blog? or are you some sort of tim-minchin-hunting-tracking-robot from outer space?

1:52 PM  

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