Another Plug. For My Opening.
There. I said it.
tee hee
I am an artist.
I am having an exhibition...
wow which I display my work alongside that of others. It's called Keeping in Touch and it's opening this Tuesday (the 9th of August) at Charles Smith Gallery (65 Smith St, Fitzroy). There will be drinks...
wow, really?
...and much fun and hob-nobbing to be had by all, and I don't know about everyone elses, but at least my work will be on sale...
no, really?
...I make jewellery, and this time it's even wearable.
small steps man, smaaall steps
I know.
It's all very exciting.
I'm excited.
you also like having conversations with yourself
so it seems....
anyway... If anyone wants to come, it would be most appreciated. If I can be arsed when I get home (and remember) I'll try and post the invitation that I designed and got printed.
I've done alot of work for this, I'm hoping it will come off ok. You can never be sure - and I don't knwo what the opening is going to be like - as in, will anyone come? I can't be sure, becuase this is the first time any of us has had an exhibition outside of uni, so it's going to be very interesting. But all I can do is offer free booze (admittedly, not that much, as the budget is tight) and hope that people prick their little ears up...
I hope to see some pricking, and some plugging of openings...
tee hee
tee hee
I am an artist.
I am having an exhibition...
wow which I display my work alongside that of others. It's called Keeping in Touch and it's opening this Tuesday (the 9th of August) at Charles Smith Gallery (65 Smith St, Fitzroy). There will be drinks...
wow, really?
...and much fun and hob-nobbing to be had by all, and I don't know about everyone elses, but at least my work will be on sale...
no, really?
...I make jewellery, and this time it's even wearable.
small steps man, smaaall steps
I know.
It's all very exciting.
I'm excited.
you also like having conversations with yourself
so it seems....
anyway... If anyone wants to come, it would be most appreciated. If I can be arsed when I get home (and remember) I'll try and post the invitation that I designed and got printed.
I've done alot of work for this, I'm hoping it will come off ok. You can never be sure - and I don't knwo what the opening is going to be like - as in, will anyone come? I can't be sure, becuase this is the first time any of us has had an exhibition outside of uni, so it's going to be very interesting. But all I can do is offer free booze (admittedly, not that much, as the budget is tight) and hope that people prick their little ears up...
I hope to see some pricking, and some plugging of openings...
tee hee
Insert the sound of ears pricking here. Whatever that may be. Perhaps some kind of small high-pitched pop.
gregory, that sounds to me like Tinitus.
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