this is what I've been doing all this time:

Sexual Peversity in Chicago (in Melbourne):
"You're trying to understand women and I'm confusing you with information."
A DAVID MAMET play directed by Michele Lee
RMIT Union Arts ollective THEATRE IN BARS will present its first major production, Sexual Peversity in Chicago by the Pulitzer Prize winning writer David Mamet.
In this 1970s period piece, the interwined lives of four twenty-something Chicago urbanites exposes a battlefield of caustic sexual warfare and repression. Written in a prolific era of social change, Mamet's play explores what it means to be a modern man relating with the modern woman.

In this Melbournian production, four sitcom-like characters become four misfits, who flirt pathetically with each other in attempts to fornicate and figure each other out. It's part retro Secret Life of Us *but with ugliness, drag kings, and handcuffs.
SEASON: August 25, 26, 30 &31 and September 1 & 2
TIME: All shows start at 7pm
VENUE: Glitch Bar 318 St Georges Rd North Fitzroy
TICKETS: All tickets $10 | RMIT students (show ID) $5 | People in 1970s gear $5 | RMIT Union Arts members, Free
Presented by THEATRE IN BARS, and RMIT Union Arts collective