Thursday, December 29, 2005

singaporean knock knock joke

who's there?

no - I know it's not actually funny... but how cool is this????
RIGHT NOW - I'm standing in the Singaporean Airport... (there's free internet... god bless 'em)
I really don't have anything to add to that - just SHIT YEAH BABY I'M IN A COUNTRY OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!



I'll keep everyone updated....


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

the past week: a summary

work drinks
kids show
more kissing
more dancing
I-have-great-boobs return to bed
sex with ex
1 hour
much needed sleep
jb hi-fi
christmas party
more drinking
home early
drowning in mucus
more mucus
orange juice
vitamin C
no work
hanging with dan
phone call
more tears
more jealousy
feeling small and petty
more and more tears
it's finally over

feeling a tad better
stressed about christmas and china
but happy
but ok

still tresuring my wonderful weekend....

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

my life is so cool

tonight I'm going to see a movie and each chocolate with my ex, to console him cos he asked a girl out and she didn't say "yes" (technically, she didn't say "no" - she's 'not in the right place at the moment' - I think she's just had a nasty break up too - and her gran died, and her cat got run over... seriously)... how much does that rock? (not)

I owe him tho, big time, so I'm gonna suck it up, put my happy face on and not yell at him: "why should I care? This hurts too much!"
suck. it. up.

I also get to see the movie that he wanted to see with her. Yay for me again - sloppy seconds...
well... I did actually really want to see this movie - and I was hurt when Dan asked me about it, then said 'yeah, I want to take ____' cos Dan's my movie buddy - none of my other friends really seem that interested (or not as interested as me anyways).

I'm trying to be a big person, and not let it affect me. And 50% of the time it doesn't, but the other 50% there's this little tiny little pairing knife that's twisting in my side...
I mean, this was all really kinda my decision, so I need to get over it really...


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

more tears

I want to tell you
to come back
that I love you
that I always will
but I know that's selfish
I want you to be mine
always mine
but the fact is that you're not anymore

how many times must
I say goodbye
for it to finally be over?
my selfish heart won't let
you leave me
so you'd better keep walking now
before I hurt you again

I found this card that I got from Matt during Penny just now - it's one thing that's helping keep me together right now:
"Dear Alia,
You are wise beyond your years. I meant everything I said to you at Bar Open! You are beautiful, it's such a joy to have brains around I can count on. Yours is truely one. Love Matt"

it's small... but I'm going to keep it for a long time...
it means alot to me right now

Saturday, December 10, 2005

surprise outings can be the bestest

I shoulda knowd that when Jane said "we'll only go for one drink" that it really meant '10'.
I shoulda knowd that when Jane said she'll bring me my bond money, it really meant "I'll bring you ready cash that's easy to spend, and you'll wake up in the morning with no real clue of how the little stash got whittled down so fast".
I shoulda, but for some reason I didna.

twas very fun however. Havn't really hung out with Jane like that in ages. Before she moved in with me and Dan, we used to have what I liked to afectionally call 'Monday's with Jane' - which just meant that a few mondays in a row we went and drank at random pubs - fun times.

I wish I had a point, but I don't....

so now I have no money again, and I'm working a Saturday again (as in, like, right now) and I'm also working Monday as well - so no real weekend for poor lil' Ekstasis... sniffle... hopefully the pay check will be nice at the end of next week tho - that is, unless the stupid tax man eats it all up. Seriously, last week when I worked sat, I got a little bit more, but the money I earned on Sat was roughly the same as the amount of tax I paid. It sux. Totally sux. And I KNOW that it's a part of life, and I KNOW everyone else has the EXACT same thing happen to them - but fuck you all, I'm still going to complain... cos it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to (cry if I want to, CRYyyy if I want tooooo)

I'm going to stop the rambling dither now.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

40 things you would love to say at work:

(forwarded to me by Robotoblog)

1. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit.
2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
3. How about never? Is never good for you?
4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.
6. Who lit the fuse on your tampon?
7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a damn word you're saying.
10. Ahhhh. I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.
11. I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
13. I have plenty of talent and vision; I just don't give a shit.
14. I'm already visualising the duct tape over you mouth.
15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
18. Any connections between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
19. What am I? Flypaper for freaks?
20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
21. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
22. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
23. And your cry-baby whiny-assed opinion would be?
24. Do I look like a people person to you?
25. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
26. I started out with nothing & I still have most of it left.
27. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.
28. If I throw a stick, will you leave?
29. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
30. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.
31. Oh I get it, like humour, but different.
32. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.
33. Can I trade this job for what's behind door #1?
34. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
35. Nice perfume. Must you really marinate in it?
36. Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is finally done.
37. How do I set a laser printer to stun?
38. I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted a salary.
39. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
40. Wait a minute --- I'm trying to imagine you with a personality!

HAHAHA "Who lit the fuse on your tampon?" tee hee heeeee

Monday, December 05, 2005

never thought it would come to this...

My addiction to my blog has reached new heights. I've resorted to coming here to an internet cafe, because my burning desire to see which of you lovelies have updated (which, may I add, is NONE) that I felt the extreem need to come down here to this - admittedly extremely funky cafe/laundrymat/internet placey-doovey - lil' corner of Brunswick st to satisfy the cravings. I couldn't wait untill tomorrow to sneek on the internet at work... it had to be now. NOW. ....
stop looking at me like that....
I'm not a freak...


I don't need your pity I tell's ya!

I went down the road and bought a pair of runners today, so no more excuses for not going to the gym. yay. And... not so much yay. But I have to get fitter for China!!! hehehehe

soooooooo looking forward to it!
It was mum's bday yesterday, which went nicely. She really liked the earrings I made and the brooch I bought her - and added stuff to. So that's good. It was also another inspiration to start actually making stuff for selling, cos I really enjoyed making the earrings. Made me feel all warm, proud and fuzzy. Mind you, I've felt this before and it didn't exactly make me jump to my feet and get going on it all - but I'm going to try to tenderly cultivate this feeling and walk with it (as opposed to 'run' with it)
in fact, I may even go to my studio now, and start doing things.
That is, if I'm welcome there anymore.

all this stuff's happening at the old house, which is weird. I'm not sure how I feel about my old housemates anymore - they've been... 'odd'.... last couple of times I've been over there and seen them.
We have/had this roster on the fridge for bathroom cleaning duties and of course my name is still up there cos no one's bothered to make a new one, and just as a joke I wrote a little note - something like "haha I'm soo not cleaning your bathroom any more!" and apparently, so dan told me, someone wrote underneath that - "well, you've been visiting enough" or something like that... which is odd - cos I stayed there ONE night,a nd I didn't even have a shower or anything like that. I barely went out into the living space at all... so I'm slightly offended by that. THEN someone wrote under that "it's not like you or your ex ever did anyway". WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? 'you and your EX'? my EX just happens to be someone who still lives in that house, and somenoe who's name is still on that list... who's name is DAN, in case they'd forgotten.... sheesh.
So apparenlty Dan's written back this rather long note himself and gotten some stuff out in the open that he hasn't been happy about for a while.
But I'm kinda pissed off that these people who are suppose to be my friends are being so passive-agressive and that kind of stuff. Not to mention the fact that I actually still pay $40 a month there anywa (hire of the studio out the back) so if I want to come over, I damn well will!

*again we see the angst seeping out*
*I better stop now before I drown in it*

Saturday, December 03, 2005

It's a Saturday...


it's a Saturday morning, and I'm sitting here at work. That's right peoples: you heard me right. work on a saturday...
'oh boo hoo, you and me too buddy' I hear some of you say. well - to all you casual-staff-scum, I say nuts to you, cos I have a normal, everyday, 9-5 (actually 9-5.30) job... and it's boring and it's grey and it's sucking up my life and my soul - and I've had to come in an extra day today cos we're so busy and I'm so good and important that this place would just fall down if I weren't here to hold it up.
Yes, I know that I only work 4 days a week usually, having a three day weekend....
No, that's not the point, this still sucks nuts having to be here today
Yes, I'm going to be getting a much nicer, fatter paycheck next week, because I get particularly juicy rates for todays work
Yes, that means I can go buy the dress I put on layby at the Gown of Thorns
No, that's still not the point
the point? is that I didn't get to sleep in this morning.

Tonight I'm going down to Belgrave cos it's Mum's birthday tomorrow, and her mum (my grandmother - or as I call her 'Oma') (her name's actually 'Joanna') (it's a Dutch thing, ok?) is taking us out for dinner tonight. I feel La Colina coming on. Yay. See my excited face? This is my excited face... no really....
actually, I do like hanging out with the two of them. I always feel something special in the fact that it's three generations of women all sitting together talking - and we all fucking rule. Oma is one of the coolest people I know, and she's constantly surprising me with how much cooler she gets every year. Oh, and the fact that she doesn't look a day over 60, and she's 75. I swear she not only gets cooler every year, but yonger. HAHA at least that's something I've got to look forward to - you may say '21? really? I thought you were 16!' now... but when I'm 75, I'll be LAUGHING muthufuckers!!!!! HAHAHAHA
ahem. Sorry. my body's not used to having coffee on a saturday morning... it wasn't prepared.

so yeah: dinner tonight. Then sleeping at mums, then giving her the jewellery I made her (hehe, by the time she's 75 she's going to have the biggest collection of jewellery anyone has ever seen) (that was a joke because her daughter is a jeweller, and can't think of anything better to give her on special occasions) (funny?) then coming back to my house, and probably having breakfast either in Belgrave or Fitzroy - cos mum can think of nothing more decadent than going out for breakfast.
Then going to a friends birthday BBQ - taking mum with me. I hope that it's cool that I invited her to someone else's bday celebration, but I really wanted to hang with mum AND do the BBQ, and that seemed like a good way to go about it. I'm kinda looking forward to said BBQ, as it sounds like there's going to be a whole lot of music going on and stuff.... jammin and the like. I'm going to have to bring my guitar (that I can't play) (but mum can) and try and join in. Maybe I can get an egg shaker or soemthing. A tambourine. Maybe I could be the tambourine girl.
Mel wants me to sing her something for her birthday, but unless I crack out the old 'Karma Police' by Radiohead AGAIN... I got nothing for her. And I think we've all heard me try that little ditty one too many times now...

THEN on monday I'm going to have to sort out my visa finally. I got my passport (or, well, it's waiting for me at the post office anyway - I'll get that on monday too) - which means I'm one step closer to the whole thing.
I bought the Lonely Planet Guide to China the other day: I'm getting very excited! There are all these photos, and I keep saying to myself "I'm going to be there! That photo: I'm going to see that for real!" and I still can't quite believe it.

anyway. I better go and do some work, you know, earn the money that I'm being paid to be here for.......

I was foolish to think I could not blog for a while, just cos my laptop's on the fritz. It's an addiction. Truely.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

mucho pissed-off-oh

the power pack for my laptop 'fizzled' last night, and now all it does when you plug it in is make soft clickey noises...
therefore, my entries are going to be brief and few it looks like, as we're EXTREMELY, excrutiatingly, mind-bogglingly busy at work at the moment.
In fact, I really shouldn't be doing this right now, I should be doing something else, and in fact the something else before/after that as well - all at the same time.
it's a pity I barely have the energy to move: stupid women's stuff.... I like getting it for like 10 seconds for the brief 'yay I'm not pregnant' thought, then it just fucks me off....
I really shouldn't blog when I'm tired and OVER IT and fuck fuck fuck whatever else... I just ramble...
mind you, I ramble most of the time anyway....

