Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kiss Me Where You Punch Me

*or, 'the best name in show business'

two flyers for you peeps. Read them carefully.

One is an invitation to a party next week, at Glitch Bar. Yes, it costs to get in - but that's how GOOD the party is going to be.

The other is a flyer for the show Kiss Me Where You Punch Me that in case you didn't hear it the first time I screamed it from the roof-tops - I have the lead in! We start sooner than even I realised - so get ur tix and come and see the awesome-goodness that is the play.

(there's a booking no. you can ring this time to make sure you get tickets - yes, the last show we did there - we had to TURN PEOPLE AWAY because we were SO popular!)

Monday, October 09, 2006

testing testing 1, 2, 3...

well howdy

thought I might do an actual post (instead of just plugging the latest project) for a change. How's things? Is everybody well?

My life is trundling along nicely. Well, sometimes it's been nice, and other times not so much - but you know... you ride the roller coaster of life, right?
And it's supposed to be fun, right?

I'm entering a new stage of single-dom, although it's not quite going to plan. See, I finally bit the bullet and stopped calling Kim my 'psuedo-non-boyfriend' and started calling him my actual 'boyfriend' - even though every time I did so I almost choked on the word. But then I realised that if the word was making me choke to such the degree, then the whole thing probably wasn't for the best - and last weekend I finally managed to muster the courage and call the whole thing off. There were tears and tender moments, and it was hard but it was all for the best. Let's just not mention the fact that I'm now writing this on his computer... because even though I saw him yesterday as 'just friends' and was quite good about it, my resolve crumbled today, and we were back in bed together. This doesn't mean that we're 'back to gether' but just for tonight, I'm going to stay over and we're going to have a good ol' romp in the bedroom.

Yes, I know, I'm weak, but a good ol' romp is a good ol' romp... and I know that's how I got myself into this sticky situation in the first place, but....well.... I'm weak. (and yes, I know, I already said that... but I feel that if I seem self aware, people will think that I know what I'm doing... )

It's been just over a year now since Dan and I broke up. It's strange - I keep bringing it up with people that I really shouldn't (I mean, guys that you're fucking don't really want to know about your ex's) but I always think about it. I thought I would have gotten over it by now, but I guess not. I still have a small amount of baggage that I'm not sure I'll ever really be rid of.

I was taking stock of my life, and how much it's changed in the last year. It's been insane! I feel like a very new person, even though I'm still not quite who I want to be. I think I'm getting closer though.

Obviously, I'm doing a lot of performing - and it's been FANTASTIC! I had forgotten what a difference it makes when I have a project, and not only a project but something I feel passionate about, in my life. I enjoy it soooo much, and while I know that's not a good enough reason to do something (necessarily), I also feel like it's worthwhile. I'm pushing myself more, and I seem to be getting a good response from people. My plan is to just throw myself into as many productions as I possibly can to get more experience and practice - to get better! I'm still thinking of going and studying it in some shape or form next year, but for now, like I said - my plan is just to do as much of it as I can. And the more I'm in, the more people are asking me to be in other stuff, so it's all going swimmingly.

I'm feeling a little scattered at the moment, so I'm not sure that this is going to be a coherent post really, but I guess I'll read over it tomorrow in the harsh light of day and fix any major continuity errors. I can't think of anything worthwhile to speak about that won't get me into trouble in some shape or form...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dangerous and Dead

THEATRE IN BARS is holding a showing called 'Dangerous and Dead' this Thursday, 5 Oct at RMIT from 7pm to 8pm.

This event starts with a viewing by dancer and choreographer, Meredith Lewis, of a spanking-good snippet from her Fringe show 'Dangerous Relations' (which starts on Oct 10 and goes until Oct 15). The dance piece will get you moist for about 10 minutes; you are then invited to provide some feedback to Meredith to help her add the finishing touches before the sexy debut of her entire show the following week.

After this, there will be some readings from 'kiss me where you punch me', a comically dark play that Michelle has written. It's about a dysfunctional family stuck together for eternity in hell... desperate for peace, reliving their death each day, consumed with guilt and resentment, with only robots and zombies to keep them company. Sounds fun! I'll also be after some feedback as the play will be performed at Glitch bar in November.

I know you might be busy with Fringe...but our little event is FREE!!! and we provide nibbles and wine. The location is RMIT, 360 Swanston Street, Building, Meeting Rooms C & D (near the Union shop and Student Union, look for the signs we'll put up).