Bloody Mess

this is a show I went and saw last night - 'Bloody Mess'. It was an english theatre company which has come out here for the Melbourne International Arts Festival...
-->FUCKING BRILLIANT<-- if you have the time (or are bored enough) you should check out a review by the age here. It sums up everything I could say about it really - gives you a good idea of what it's all about...
My dream is to one day get to work with a group of people like that. I think I could actually be good if I was with people like that.
They were brilliant actors, and yet they weren't - it was like they weren't acting at all... they were really doing it. (that sounds so cheesy). EG: there was a 'fight sequence' between two of them - which wasn't actually a fight sequence at all. It wasn't a beautifully choreographed movement piece that made it look like the two of them were fighting - they actually just went at it, as you would normally. I could see their skin turning from white to red as they pinched each other, shoved each other, wrestled on the ground, picked each other up and dropped again. It was just GREAT. Then there was a bit where one of them ended up crying. This man, wasn't just good at acting like he was crying - he actually just cried on stage. We were in the front row (which was weird - we were at feet level) and I could see all the thick saliva that was building up in his mouth - that really happens when you really really truely cry. There was this bit, the two 'clowns' had just been wrestling, and they end up lying on top of one another, panting... and one starts crying and burts out into a microphone being held to his mouth "I'm still funny aren't I? They're still laughing at me right?". It was really beautiful... and strange... and uncomfortable in parts...
there was also full-frontal male nudity. That was funny too. Two guys wearing nothing, each holding a silver cardboard star infront of their 'front torlets', and then standing there talking for like 10 mins about 'beautiful silence' and all the different types. Then trying to convince everyone to have 5 mins of beautiful silence on stage...
Or the woman in the Gorilla suit who wants nothing but for us to think about what it would be like to fuck her - periodically taking off the gorilla mask to tell us about how she wants us to think about what it would feel like to kiss her, feel her breast in our mouths, feel her teeth on our neck etc etc.... then put the mask back on and start pelting us with popcorn, or spin around and around untill she gets so dizzy she almost falls over.
Fuck I want to be part of something like that. (that sounds strange...) I want to be with people that will make/let/allow me to rise to that sort of level of performance. One of the things was that you could see no ego amongst them - a big difference between them and all the other actors/shows I've been involved with. I don't know anyone who could do what these guys did, cos they wouldn't let themselves.
My dream now is to do that. I want to fully commit to something on stage, and go there and do it. Whatever it is...
go for it then!
i'd love to do something awesome onstage.... actually anything onstage again. im having withdrawals!
the next fucking awesome thing i direct, i'll cast you in it. deal?
hehehehe DEAL
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