another day
going into the city to meet maara for a drink tonight. I don't know exactly what it all involves, something about a media auction, and 'keegggaaarr' - so.. ? we'll have to see.
apparently she's going to meredith, which is good, cos Mel piked on me, and I still really want to go. Unfortunately, I don't have a ticket yet, and I know that the friday night tix are sold out, and the other ones are selling fast - so I hope maara isn't going on the fri night (if she already has tix) cos then I won't be able to go down with her - and seeing as I don't drive, I don't see it happening by myself.
*still looks around hopefully for a round of offers of company*
in case anyone was wondering, my fingernail is still long and cool - although it's a little shorter than it was a while ago, and not quite as pointy... but it's still pretty big and impressive. Hasn't broken off yet! it's weak though, so.. any minute...
I have to go the physio tomorrow morn - which involves me getting up at osmething like 6am to get to richmond by 8, and then hopefully to work not too late. bugger, it means I can't really have a nice big night out with Maara tonight, but ah well...
I'm glad it's almost the weekend.
Dan and I talked more last night about who's doing what. He said he's feeling more and more like he wants to stay, which is what I said also. I still think my reasons are better than his, but then I'm still worried about the money - so, we still havn't decided. I ended up saying that something has to happen soon, cos I can't keep living like this, and he was like "Oh, so your basically telling me to get out?!", and I was tried to tell him that that WASN'T what I was saying - I was just trying to express my feelings, and was that so wrong.... bah humbug. I'm sick of having to tread around everyone else's feelings/problems but my own. I'm not allowed to tell someone I'm sad, incase I make them feel like it's their fault.... well, not exactly, but you know what I mean.
I know I said this before, but I wish it would all just go away....
going into the city to meet maara for a drink tonight. I don't know exactly what it all involves, something about a media auction, and 'keegggaaarr' - so.. ? we'll have to see.
apparently she's going to meredith, which is good, cos Mel piked on me, and I still really want to go. Unfortunately, I don't have a ticket yet, and I know that the friday night tix are sold out, and the other ones are selling fast - so I hope maara isn't going on the fri night (if she already has tix) cos then I won't be able to go down with her - and seeing as I don't drive, I don't see it happening by myself.
*still looks around hopefully for a round of offers of company*
in case anyone was wondering, my fingernail is still long and cool - although it's a little shorter than it was a while ago, and not quite as pointy... but it's still pretty big and impressive. Hasn't broken off yet! it's weak though, so.. any minute...
I have to go the physio tomorrow morn - which involves me getting up at osmething like 6am to get to richmond by 8, and then hopefully to work not too late. bugger, it means I can't really have a nice big night out with Maara tonight, but ah well...
I'm glad it's almost the weekend.
Dan and I talked more last night about who's doing what. He said he's feeling more and more like he wants to stay, which is what I said also. I still think my reasons are better than his, but then I'm still worried about the money - so, we still havn't decided. I ended up saying that something has to happen soon, cos I can't keep living like this, and he was like "Oh, so your basically telling me to get out?!", and I was tried to tell him that that WASN'T what I was saying - I was just trying to express my feelings, and was that so wrong.... bah humbug. I'm sick of having to tread around everyone else's feelings/problems but my own. I'm not allowed to tell someone I'm sad, incase I make them feel like it's their fault.... well, not exactly, but you know what I mean.
I know I said this before, but I wish it would all just go away....
You should come down and hang out in Dandenong for a day.. I've heard more than one person say "It's the solution to all your problems!"
I'll up you one on the festival offer; how about you come to Earthcore? The band I want to see will most likely have around 20 people up on stage.. Including a sitar, tablas, a string section, and quite possible a small choir. Eh? Eh?
really? is that cos your mind goes numb after a whole day there?
when/where is earthcore? I've ALWAYS always wanted to go - but my big thing with it was when I was underage, so I could never... and hten when I turned 18 I lost the dance thing... but willing to pick it up again!
Numbness is definitely part of, but it has more to with the rage, which makes everything else seem trivial by comparison. Kind of like Murphy's Law!
Earthcore is 25 - 27 of November, at some place called Undera. I have absolutely no idea where that is, but it's usually around a 2 hour drive out of Melbourne.
Apparently Regurgetator and The Propellerheads are playing too..
Part of IT.
oh, I thought earthcore was all trancy/techno-ey and stuff... i guess not.
hmmmmm.... sounds interesting, and tempting... but I doubt I could afford to go to both...
It is predomenantly electronic stuff, but I think they're trying to reach a broader audience this time around.
I'm not even sure how much tickets are, but I'm guessing it'd be up around the $100 mark. You should just ditch Meredith and go to Earthcore.. Do it.
EXCEPT as much as I've liked talking/typing to you all this time - I don't actually know you, and people (person) I know are going to meredith... and I think I can convince people to come with me to meredith more than I can earthcore...
next time? There are always earthcore's on all the time!
(oh, unless I have a sudden winfall of money, then I'm coming baby)
He he.. Fear not, I probably won't even end up going myself. I can only imagine how a friend would react when being told "Yeah sorry, I can't make it.. Some guy from my blog asked me to go somewhere else with him.. You know how it is."
"yeah you know - we've never met or anything, but I'm sure he's not a psycho - he comes from Dandenong!"
"What? Oh no, his mother's watching the kids for the weekend.. His wife's not getting out until Thursday."
'she doesn't want to leave the house untill she gets her replacement set of teeth back'
'and he's going to be hearing bakc about that paternity test any time now'
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