My weekend OR: how I nearly drowned in my own mucus OR: longest blog ever
It all started on Friday. This last Friday to be exact: I went to work, and had a fairly mediocre day, which was the beginning of My Weekend. All day at work I felt fairly – well – sick. I could tell I was getting tonsillitis again. How? Well – I’ve gotten tonsillitis almost every year for as long as I can remember… apparently this year I’m getting it twice. But I thought, this time I’d just try and ignore it in the hope it would go away, as I’m sick of constantly being sick. It’s been happening a lot lately. In fact, these past three years I’ve been the most unhealthiest ever in my life. Isn’t that interesting? Three year relationship – three years of being ill…. Hmmmm…. Freud?
On Friday after work the Fringe show that I’m helping with began: It’s at the North Melbourne Town Hall every Friday for those of you that are interested. It’s call Penny Machinations, and it’s very very good – basically there are a whole lot of little tents/booths, and tickets are $1. You buy however many tix u want, then go around to all the little booths for a pay-per-view performance. It’s just you and the actors in the little space, and yeah, like I said it’s very good. One in particular - 'The Bearded Margie' is HILARIOUS - I've never laughed so much on my own, sitting with one other person who isn't laughing with you. It's very uncormfortable and funny at the same time... I’m helping on one of the performances that ends up with you being in the back of a car and seeing them do their thing. I’m out the front taking people through and dealing with the mix tapes – the premise of that particular performance. Each booth has a few different things you can see in each…. Similar yet different. If you wanted to come see every show with every possibility, it would still only cost you $15. The Bargain of the fringe says I!
But enough plugging…
So, yeah, I was feeling moderately sick, but tried to put that aside when the people actually started appearing. Before that I was sitting in the dressing room looking sullen and depressed… Matt was very nice to me. Richard pretended nothing was wrong, although I later found out that he knew, and Michael was nice enough, and mentioned it so I would know he knew, but was decidedly not interested in any discussion about it – but then, neither was I. Matt is the only person I know who’s treating me the exact way I would like to be treated in this situation. He asked me if I was ok just enough times that I knew he cared, but didn't get annoying – and then periodically after that would just give me random kisses on the cheek or a hug, or a pat on the head (which sounds horribly condescending, but wasn’t). I guess I’m just being selfish. I want the world to revolve around me and my troubles for a while – and I guess my troubles are dragging on longer than usual because of the situation. I know I should get over it, and not expect people to treat me like I’m damaged goods, but I can’t help it. I want sympathy and kindness, and I want it to be genuine, and I want everyone to care about me for a while. I know I shouldn’t expect that – just be grateful if it does end up happening, but…. I don’t know… I guess I’m just conceited.
Anyway, show went off with a bang, was good, people seemed to like it – one kid came and lost a tooth along the way, which was the highlight of my evening… I think I was more excited than him! After all that, I went to the bar and had a few drinks – not that many, but enough so that when I asked for a gin and tonic, and the lady gave me a vodka and… something… I didn’t even notice. She came and found me and asked me if I wanted to change it… I told her I just thought it was ridiculously strong… but I did change it – vodka = bleugh when not with sugar….
Ended up going home quite late via taxi with Jane, and then to bed, which is where I stayed until about 1pm the next day. (who am I kidding? I got up for maybe half and hour, then was back in bed till like 5.30….)
Dan had a rehearsal at out house. I was just lying in bed with a throat that felt like my glands had swollen up to the size of golf balls… and felt sorry for myself. I just groaned at him a few times, and I think he got me something to drink at one stage. Then Jane rang me and reminded me that we were supposed to be going to see Matt perform with his St Martin’s theatre troup-ey thingy… so I dragged myself out of bed and made myself look somewhat presentable, left a note for dan saying that I wasn’t in bed anymore (obviously) and went into the city, and then South Yarra. I’m glad I don’t live in Sth Yarra – I used to want to… I think I must have been crazy, and I’m glad I got over it pretty quickly.
Anyhoo, the performances were ok. I liked Matt and Eva’s thing. It was cute, but I think I liked it more than I would have otherwise because I knew them – I mean it was good, but it wasn’t great. The interesting bit of the night was that Rebecca AND Aziz were there – together……….. and Rebecca pretty much ignored me for the entire night, and Aziz was a little uncomfortable and awkward with me…. Well…. Admittedly this was the first time we’d seen each other since the party – so I can kind of understand… well, I understand Aziz. Rebecca just pissed me off. In fact, both Jane and I are pissed off for similar reasons with her. But that’s another story to be told another time…
Then luckily no one else except Michael really wanted to go out afterwards, so Matt was kind enough to drive Jane and me home… still very late… so again I crawled into bed and tried to sleep, even though the mucas/not being able to breath/chainsaw throat kept me awake for ever.
Again slept for as long as I could into the next day – but Dan woke me up and reminded me that Skeleton Soup were performing at the High St Fest that day at 4pm and 8pm at a fashion show. I knew that Jane and I planned to go out that night cos there was a band I wanted her to see, so I knew that I needed to get to the 4pm one, and I knew that I probably wouldn’t go unless I got a lift there, so I had to get up and get ready in about 5 mins to get a lift at 12.30 with dan, cos he needed to get there early to set up and shit. As per usual he didn’t actually need to be there so quickly cos no one else turned up, but there you go. =>I still feel this urge to be a good supportive girlfriend… or I suppose now it’s a good supportive ex. I don’t want him to think that suddenly I’m not interested in his life anymore or something…. But anyway, yeah, I dragged myself out of bed, and had to spend the next 3 or 4 hours just wandering around the street fest by myself. It wasn’t so bad, but my god – there were so many sausages. Everywhere you looked there were stalls selling sausages…. ?!?!?! and all the same sausages: Aussie sangas or Continental (or as one guy put it to me ‘Wog’) sausages… wtf. Can’t we think of anything else to cook up on a day like that? Oh - heheh speaking of sausages, there was one thing that was intesly interesting (to me). It was a busking performance by two (incredibly hot) guys doing acrobatics/balancing stuff. They were dressed in 3 piece suits and bowler hats, which was so HOT, both because they looked GREAT and it was also very HOT so they were sweating. They had bad english accents but were very talented - and of course, much to the pleasure of the ladies in the crowd, halfway through the act both of them ended up in nothing more than a pair of blue bike shorts with the union jack sewn on. NOTHING ELSE. And my my were these boys fine. So my afternoon was spent whatching two men wearing next to nothing crawling all over each other, and performing a move which they called 'hello boys' which was, just, well... it almost made me want to cry. In pain. For them. But laugh also. And drool.
I saw some people I knew – and Evan (from Dan’s band) actually talked to me this time. Last time I saw him, he didn’t. I know Dan’s told him about the party stuff – and I don’t think he’s too impressed with me. Well… nor should he really. So then, it was almost time for the performance to start, so I went to wait outside the hall… Through the crowd I saw one of Dan’s best friends Nick, who looked over my way, saw me, scowled and walked off. I felt awful. I know that I shouldn’t be surprised that Dan’s friends aren’t going to be too impressed with me… but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. I understand that they’re going to be supportive of him, and he deserves all the support he can get… and I would do the same thing if I were them… but it still does really feel like a slap in the face. But I suppose I deserve it….
Jane met me there, and we saw the show. Mediocre at best… the only good thing was the music… well some of it. I’m talking about Skeleton Soup. Damn they’re good. I almost hate them because they’re soooo good – and the chick, Danielle is everything I’m not. So confident, talented, sexy… I want to be her when I grow up.
They played a set afterwards, but by then we needed to leave to get home in time to be able to get changed and get to the Tote… I felt bad, for not being a fully committed supportive Ex… but then I have been to almost every gig they’ve done… so I’m not doing to badly I spose.
Got home, got changed, didn’t eat, started drinking, rushed out of the house to catch a tram to get the tote, to get there by 7.30. Because that’s when we thought we had to be there. You see – I didn’t realize that they were headlining…. Which meant, by the time they went on, I was well and truly drunk – in fact I think Sunday night was the most drunk I’ve been in public for a while. I’m not saying I was the most drunk I’ve ever been in public, that’s far from the truth, but I mean – I haven’t had a bout of public drunkenness for quite some time. I ended up making slightly awkward conversation with someone I don’t know very well… and just hoping that I didn’t make a dick of myself. I’m pretty sure I did. But then… do I really care? Not sure. In the end didn’t end up listening very much to the band and just talked with Jane, which was kinda nice (although incredibly rude for the muchly talented musicians). I felt somewhat satisfied that for once she had to put up with me, and not the other way around… but we had fun (well, I did, I hope she did too). I was going to buy a cd, but I couldn’t find ‘the guy with the clipboard’ who apparently was the one selling them… so next time I guess. Gee – could they make it any harder?!?! Jane said I was talking very very fast… so sorry Surly if I was incomprehensible… I think I made more comments about my non-existent band. Sorry again, I think I should just get it over with and write in big black permanent texta over my forehead ‘please love me’ and be done with it. Ummmm yeah – sorry dude. One of the highlights of the evening was some graffiti in the girls torlets which just read “Eat a bowl of Fuck”.
Jane took me home, and I talked dribble the whole way. Something about us ‘swapping roles’ and all of that. Something about trying very hard to be a fish… ahem. Anyway, got home and almost fell asleep on the couch while on the internet… I remember that I found one blog in particular which at the time was extremely profound…
Yesterday I was more sick than the rest of the weekend combined. There was sleeping, there was mucus, there was snot and general yuckiness… but by the end of it all I felt a little better… and today is ok, except for a constantly runny nose… but you get that I guess. Feeling neither happy nor unhappy… was hoping that this blog entry would be slightly more profound than it’s turned out to be – I think that my brain isn’t properly connected to the rest of me today, as I keep forgetting things and words that I wanted to say. That’s why I think this has ended up turning out to be the longest blog entry ever, because I keep trying to find what it is that I was meaning to say.
I’ve forgotten what I was going to end with.
It was semi important.
Oh, for more information on how to be healthy, contact me for a copy of ‘Punishing the Body 101’
On Friday after work the Fringe show that I’m helping with began: It’s at the North Melbourne Town Hall every Friday for those of you that are interested. It’s call Penny Machinations, and it’s very very good – basically there are a whole lot of little tents/booths, and tickets are $1. You buy however many tix u want, then go around to all the little booths for a pay-per-view performance. It’s just you and the actors in the little space, and yeah, like I said it’s very good. One in particular - 'The Bearded Margie' is HILARIOUS - I've never laughed so much on my own, sitting with one other person who isn't laughing with you. It's very uncormfortable and funny at the same time... I’m helping on one of the performances that ends up with you being in the back of a car and seeing them do their thing. I’m out the front taking people through and dealing with the mix tapes – the premise of that particular performance. Each booth has a few different things you can see in each…. Similar yet different. If you wanted to come see every show with every possibility, it would still only cost you $15. The Bargain of the fringe says I!
But enough plugging…
So, yeah, I was feeling moderately sick, but tried to put that aside when the people actually started appearing. Before that I was sitting in the dressing room looking sullen and depressed… Matt was very nice to me. Richard pretended nothing was wrong, although I later found out that he knew, and Michael was nice enough, and mentioned it so I would know he knew, but was decidedly not interested in any discussion about it – but then, neither was I. Matt is the only person I know who’s treating me the exact way I would like to be treated in this situation. He asked me if I was ok just enough times that I knew he cared, but didn't get annoying – and then periodically after that would just give me random kisses on the cheek or a hug, or a pat on the head (which sounds horribly condescending, but wasn’t). I guess I’m just being selfish. I want the world to revolve around me and my troubles for a while – and I guess my troubles are dragging on longer than usual because of the situation. I know I should get over it, and not expect people to treat me like I’m damaged goods, but I can’t help it. I want sympathy and kindness, and I want it to be genuine, and I want everyone to care about me for a while. I know I shouldn’t expect that – just be grateful if it does end up happening, but…. I don’t know… I guess I’m just conceited.
Anyway, show went off with a bang, was good, people seemed to like it – one kid came and lost a tooth along the way, which was the highlight of my evening… I think I was more excited than him! After all that, I went to the bar and had a few drinks – not that many, but enough so that when I asked for a gin and tonic, and the lady gave me a vodka and… something… I didn’t even notice. She came and found me and asked me if I wanted to change it… I told her I just thought it was ridiculously strong… but I did change it – vodka = bleugh when not with sugar….
Ended up going home quite late via taxi with Jane, and then to bed, which is where I stayed until about 1pm the next day. (who am I kidding? I got up for maybe half and hour, then was back in bed till like 5.30….)
Dan had a rehearsal at out house. I was just lying in bed with a throat that felt like my glands had swollen up to the size of golf balls… and felt sorry for myself. I just groaned at him a few times, and I think he got me something to drink at one stage. Then Jane rang me and reminded me that we were supposed to be going to see Matt perform with his St Martin’s theatre troup-ey thingy… so I dragged myself out of bed and made myself look somewhat presentable, left a note for dan saying that I wasn’t in bed anymore (obviously) and went into the city, and then South Yarra. I’m glad I don’t live in Sth Yarra – I used to want to… I think I must have been crazy, and I’m glad I got over it pretty quickly.
Anyhoo, the performances were ok. I liked Matt and Eva’s thing. It was cute, but I think I liked it more than I would have otherwise because I knew them – I mean it was good, but it wasn’t great. The interesting bit of the night was that Rebecca AND Aziz were there – together……….. and Rebecca pretty much ignored me for the entire night, and Aziz was a little uncomfortable and awkward with me…. Well…. Admittedly this was the first time we’d seen each other since the party – so I can kind of understand… well, I understand Aziz. Rebecca just pissed me off. In fact, both Jane and I are pissed off for similar reasons with her. But that’s another story to be told another time…
Then luckily no one else except Michael really wanted to go out afterwards, so Matt was kind enough to drive Jane and me home… still very late… so again I crawled into bed and tried to sleep, even though the mucas/not being able to breath/chainsaw throat kept me awake for ever.
Again slept for as long as I could into the next day – but Dan woke me up and reminded me that Skeleton Soup were performing at the High St Fest that day at 4pm and 8pm at a fashion show. I knew that Jane and I planned to go out that night cos there was a band I wanted her to see, so I knew that I needed to get to the 4pm one, and I knew that I probably wouldn’t go unless I got a lift there, so I had to get up and get ready in about 5 mins to get a lift at 12.30 with dan, cos he needed to get there early to set up and shit. As per usual he didn’t actually need to be there so quickly cos no one else turned up, but there you go. =>I still feel this urge to be a good supportive girlfriend… or I suppose now it’s a good supportive ex. I don’t want him to think that suddenly I’m not interested in his life anymore or something…. But anyway, yeah, I dragged myself out of bed, and had to spend the next 3 or 4 hours just wandering around the street fest by myself. It wasn’t so bad, but my god – there were so many sausages. Everywhere you looked there were stalls selling sausages…. ?!?!?! and all the same sausages: Aussie sangas or Continental (or as one guy put it to me ‘Wog’) sausages… wtf. Can’t we think of anything else to cook up on a day like that? Oh - heheh speaking of sausages, there was one thing that was intesly interesting (to me). It was a busking performance by two (incredibly hot) guys doing acrobatics/balancing stuff. They were dressed in 3 piece suits and bowler hats, which was so HOT, both because they looked GREAT and it was also very HOT so they were sweating. They had bad english accents but were very talented - and of course, much to the pleasure of the ladies in the crowd, halfway through the act both of them ended up in nothing more than a pair of blue bike shorts with the union jack sewn on. NOTHING ELSE. And my my were these boys fine. So my afternoon was spent whatching two men wearing next to nothing crawling all over each other, and performing a move which they called 'hello boys' which was, just, well... it almost made me want to cry. In pain. For them. But laugh also. And drool.
I saw some people I knew – and Evan (from Dan’s band) actually talked to me this time. Last time I saw him, he didn’t. I know Dan’s told him about the party stuff – and I don’t think he’s too impressed with me. Well… nor should he really. So then, it was almost time for the performance to start, so I went to wait outside the hall… Through the crowd I saw one of Dan’s best friends Nick, who looked over my way, saw me, scowled and walked off. I felt awful. I know that I shouldn’t be surprised that Dan’s friends aren’t going to be too impressed with me… but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. I understand that they’re going to be supportive of him, and he deserves all the support he can get… and I would do the same thing if I were them… but it still does really feel like a slap in the face. But I suppose I deserve it….
Jane met me there, and we saw the show. Mediocre at best… the only good thing was the music… well some of it. I’m talking about Skeleton Soup. Damn they’re good. I almost hate them because they’re soooo good – and the chick, Danielle is everything I’m not. So confident, talented, sexy… I want to be her when I grow up.
They played a set afterwards, but by then we needed to leave to get home in time to be able to get changed and get to the Tote… I felt bad, for not being a fully committed supportive Ex… but then I have been to almost every gig they’ve done… so I’m not doing to badly I spose.
Got home, got changed, didn’t eat, started drinking, rushed out of the house to catch a tram to get the tote, to get there by 7.30. Because that’s when we thought we had to be there. You see – I didn’t realize that they were headlining…. Which meant, by the time they went on, I was well and truly drunk – in fact I think Sunday night was the most drunk I’ve been in public for a while. I’m not saying I was the most drunk I’ve ever been in public, that’s far from the truth, but I mean – I haven’t had a bout of public drunkenness for quite some time. I ended up making slightly awkward conversation with someone I don’t know very well… and just hoping that I didn’t make a dick of myself. I’m pretty sure I did. But then… do I really care? Not sure. In the end didn’t end up listening very much to the band and just talked with Jane, which was kinda nice (although incredibly rude for the muchly talented musicians). I felt somewhat satisfied that for once she had to put up with me, and not the other way around… but we had fun (well, I did, I hope she did too). I was going to buy a cd, but I couldn’t find ‘the guy with the clipboard’ who apparently was the one selling them… so next time I guess. Gee – could they make it any harder?!?! Jane said I was talking very very fast… so sorry Surly if I was incomprehensible… I think I made more comments about my non-existent band. Sorry again, I think I should just get it over with and write in big black permanent texta over my forehead ‘please love me’ and be done with it. Ummmm yeah – sorry dude. One of the highlights of the evening was some graffiti in the girls torlets which just read “Eat a bowl of Fuck”.
Jane took me home, and I talked dribble the whole way. Something about us ‘swapping roles’ and all of that. Something about trying very hard to be a fish… ahem. Anyway, got home and almost fell asleep on the couch while on the internet… I remember that I found one blog in particular which at the time was extremely profound…
Yesterday I was more sick than the rest of the weekend combined. There was sleeping, there was mucus, there was snot and general yuckiness… but by the end of it all I felt a little better… and today is ok, except for a constantly runny nose… but you get that I guess. Feeling neither happy nor unhappy… was hoping that this blog entry would be slightly more profound than it’s turned out to be – I think that my brain isn’t properly connected to the rest of me today, as I keep forgetting things and words that I wanted to say. That’s why I think this has ended up turning out to be the longest blog entry ever, because I keep trying to find what it is that I was meaning to say.
I’ve forgotten what I was going to end with.
It was semi important.
Oh, for more information on how to be healthy, contact me for a copy of ‘Punishing the Body 101’
er? mutual friend who's seen skeleton soup?! who?
(or was that a lame ref to me that I didn't get?) duhoy
er - they play jazz-funk-fusion-stuffy stuff.... it's EXTREMELY hard to give them a label, and if you ever see them - you'll see why. if it helps, there's drums, bass, sometimes guitar, trumpet, digital trumpet, saxophone, singing and whatever else they bring out - sometimes even theremone!!! (I have no idea how to spell that...)
They actually have a gig at Ruby's THIS SUNDAY which is exciting - and lucky you asked!!! (well, as far as we know anyway - they're not on the website, and the people who organise these things within the band aren't particularly organised - but I'm telling everyone to rock up then, so I hope they don't make a lier out of me)
I'm going to try and round up the troups and all of that. I can't stress how fucking good they are - seriously.
Interesting. I may just have to check out this 'Skeleton Soup'.
Also, I didn't realise you were drunk.
really? so you just thought I was a freak then.... great
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