Best. Idea. Ever.
who wants to come to the Meredith Music Festival with me????
I'm going to go with a housemate... it's going to be fun... I think it would be funner with people I know. People like YOU.
Tell me yes, then we'll organise the logistics.
who wants to come to the Meredith Music Festival with me????
I'm going to go with a housemate... it's going to be fun... I think it would be funner with people I know. People like YOU.
Tell me yes, then we'll organise the logistics.
ok, admittedly, it's more - it would be funner to go with people I'm on the brink of knowing. That make sense?
Yes. But no, I won't be going to Meredith. I have a love/hate thing going on with festivals. Mostly hate.
After this years BDO I decided I should probably wait until I can be one of those wanker rock stars wandering the grounds with a head full of blow and sex in my eyes. Perhaps then I won't have to face the horror of stepping in human shit?
Until then I shall continue my attempts to get on a Jay Jays television commercial.
now my housemate isn't going after all, but she's got the idea in my head. I havn't been camping in AGES and it sounds like a heap of fun... plus there's much Male Full Frontal Nudity - aka the Meredith 'Gift'... that would be fuuuun to watch.
I hope I find someone to come. It would be a great place to kick off -fuckapalooza-!
Who's going to be playing? I've actually heard very little about it up until now..
um, only 15 of the 30 or so artists have been announced. Something to do with it being the 15th anniversary or something. There's a mystery act that they're not going to tell at all... it's a surprise, but it's supposed to be a good surprise, but I don't really know.
according to the website: The avalanches are doing a 'dj show' - I don't know what that means, cos isn't that what they do anyways?! anyway, YAYAYAYAY to them...
ummmmm I can't be bothered typing the rest: they're on the website (linked in post) if you want to check it out.
There's not actually too many bands that I would be totally excited in seeing, but it sounds like a weekend packed full of fun... so I wanna go anyway.
--> NEWSFLAH: apparently Maara's going, so I'm going to see what her plans are... COME ON let's form a PACK!!!!!!
The lineup doesn't look too shabby, but at this point I'm quite seriously considering going to Earthcore.. I suspect I'll have a terrible time, but there's one act playing which I'll probably never get the chance to see again.
My manager said he'd quite happily go with you though.. Do you have anything against short, stocky, balding men who live with their parents?
surly: I think you should try and get over your irrational fear/hate of festivals, especially on this occasion. I've done the camping-music-festivally-thing before with the port fiary folk fest, and it's hella fun. This is going to be EVEN BETTER cos there won't be any parents there (hehehe, like my last time) and ROCK!!!!!!!!
I do
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