Sunday, November 06, 2005


I feel small and useless today.
like one of those little plastic doo-dads that you find lying around on the floor when you're cleaning that you're not sure where it came from and what it does, or what to do with it, but you keep it just in case it comes in handy one day.

It turns out that it's gong to cost me somewhere upwards of $120 to paint my room red. Apparenlty it's the most tempremental colour of paint, and needs more coats, and plus it's the most expensive colour as well. Yay. Apparently, according to my mum I should just pick a different colour - but I really don't want any other colour. So, now, I'm going to have to wait untill I come back from China till I have some money - and, I'm betting that it means I'm never going to paint the room at all. I can tell. I've done this so many times - 'oh yeah, I'm going to paint my room... eventually..' and it never happens. Seriously - this has happenend too many times to count. I never come through on my promises to myself. *sigh* I'm such a dissapointment.


I was going to just keep complaning about more angsty shite - but I just had a 4hr or so conversation with Jane that was really nice and good and whatever... cool. So... I guess I cant' really rant about all the other crap in my life, cos at the moment I don't really care.

it's funny how that happens sometimes...


Blogger gun street girl said...

You should just paint the ceiling; economise, it'll be cheaper and it wont be so overwhelming either...
Trust me...

8:10 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I would never want to paint my ceiling I'm afraid - I think it would make it feel to low or something.. I'd prefer to keep it white.

I'll just have to see how i go with it all - I've already moved some stuff in there now, it's not going to happen at the moment anyhoo...

9:53 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

You're a complicated creature.

7:06 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...



10:48 AM  

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