Friday, March 24, 2006

all my blog dreams come true

so, like I said: I'm not cool enough to get the joke - and seeing as I'm the kind of person I am, I'm going to answer each and every one of Angry's questions... if you have a problem with that - he's the one you need to have words with.

-Do you believe in god?
nope, but I believe in something - I'm just not entirely sure what that is
-How old were you when you lost your viginity?
-Have you ever been in love?
-What do you hate about yourself?
I don't think I'm very cool - and I tend not to 'get' things...
-Are you afraid of dying?
sometimes - but not always
-When did you last cry?
last thursday
-Are you lonely?
not at the moment
-How often do you masturbate?
usually at least once a day
-Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
not a real proper one - but it was a minor concern once
-Have you ever cheated on someone?
-Marriage and kids, could you ever see it for yourself?
I don't believe in marriage, but I would like to have a kid (one) one day
-Have you ever cut yourself?
-Are you able to have sex without any emotional hang ups?
I'm not positive - but I'm testing the theory that I am able, as we speak (well, not as we speak but you know what I mean). So far so good.
-Do you like Johnny Cash or do you think he's just been appropriated by a horde of posers and his talent is meagre at best?
Don't really like him - I watched the movie and it didn't do much for me
-'Man Who Sold the World', Bowie or Nirvana version better?
well, I've only heard the Nirvana version (much to my dissapointment)... I LOVE that song - mostly because it was linked to a really great moment of a stage play that I saw
-Has someone ever hit you in the face?
-What is your biggest regret?
fucking Dan over
-Would you sleep with Surlyboy if you had the opportunity?
In a millisecond
-Have you ever been seriously ill/injured?
-Have you ever made the deliberate choice to hurt someone?
hrm. Emotionally - yes in a revenge type way. Physically - yes in a playful way
-Do you believe in ghost, spirits, etc.?
-Are confident about the way you look?
at the moment - yes, but ask me last week - no
-Do you see nobility or desperation in poverty?
I see nobility in how some people deal with poverty... I see desperation in myself when povo
-What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?
sooooo many things its not funny. There are soooo many things that makes a person attractive... I could be here ALL DAY if I tried to list them
-Have you ever been imitate with someone of your own sex?
-Are you vocal during the act of sex?
-What's your earliest memory?
watching a really colourful lightening storm out the window of this cottage that we used to live in
-Do you think people are naturally selfless or self serving?
self serving for sure (well I am anyway)
-Do you believe certain people derserve to die?
not really
-Is you life heading where you wanted it too at the end of High School?
very very very slowly, yes - I wish it would move faster
-Do you perform fellatio?
shit yeah
-If so do you swallow the ejactulate?
-What are you most proud of in your life?
I've accomplished alot and done alot of things, I'm proud of the whole pack of them
-What is the most affecting artwork/movie/book etc you have encountered?
that's a really hard one. The Matrix changed my life/me in year 9 (10?), so I'll just pick that one for the moment
-Do you have a tattoo?
no but I want one
-Do you like you parents as people?
I like my Mum, Dad's a shit
-Did you have a happy childhood?
-What do you enjoy about blogging?
talking about stuff like what's in these questions
-What do you want for your birthday?
people to be at my party - that's enough! (other than that - maybe a mixed cd?)

phew. Thanks - that was fun. Was it as good for you as it was for me?


Blogger ekstasis said...

anything else you might wanna know - just ask... ;)
pity you can't come - that would have been COOL

2:19 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...


6:20 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

*burns you cds*

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Matrix changed your life?


I have other questions, but I'll just leave it as Happy Birthday for now.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. That wasn't good for me. Nothing is good for me anymore.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except Crunchola.

9:38 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

damian: well... it kinda sent me off in a different 'rebellious-try-hardy-gothy' phase... and it made me start listening to some different music - and it got me 'in' with the 'geeky boys' crowd... which made me happy. That's what I mean.
surly: ur a hard man to please. Actually, Damian - so are you...

11:12 AM  
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12:48 PM  

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