Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A weekend of nice-ness

Well, to start at the beginning (a very good place to start) on Thursday I got home from work to find my TRIPOD DVD had arrived in the mail, and after me only having to wait for one day… how cool is that?!?!?! I promptly popped it into the player, and sat down to watch a very very VERY funny recording of their Pod August nights from last year. It’s really good and really funny (did I say that already?) , and I laughed myself silly – and now my housemates think I’m a freak (yep, I think this time I pushed them over the edge). At least Tom laughed with me (or at me… I’m not sure which).

Then I went and had a drink with Jane which was nice as well – although she really didn’t want to sit and listen to any of my stories, but I was a willing audience so she unloaded all her stuff on me (not for the first time, and I’m sure not for the last)… Sometimes it really bugs me and other times it doesn’t, and this was an ‘other’ time, so it was all good – except for that my beer tasted really weird (I think maybe the Pinnacle hasn’t cleaned it’s taps in a while or something) and it was annoying because when I went back and handed it back and said it was weird, the bar staff gave me crap, and basically said that I didn’t know what I was talking about, and made me feel stupid. They gave me $1 off my next drink. How generous.

THEN on Friday morning, Tom and I were up and getting ready and stuff – to go to Port Fairy! (Folk Festival that is). He had a spare ticket so I got to go and hang with him and his muso friends, and watch a copious amount of FOLK (hurrah) – some of which was good (aka Sophie and Gorgeous) and some of which was crap-ola (aka I have no idea what the band names were cos they were so crap I walked past them very fast and tried to block it all out). It was sunny and I got brown/burnt in places (although my legs are still as white as ever – I think they have sun-retardent qualities). Got to see some very funny buskers/street performers (kinda my favorite bit about these things) – some funny cos they were funny and some funny cos they were pretty bad… I ate lots of yummy things (I’ve put on like 1 or 2kg’s this weekend, not that I care/am counting of course). Didn’t go swimming or anything, didn’t really want to. Slept in a very very small tent with Tom (“101 Ways To Get To Know Your New Housemate” by Alia out in stores very soon). Got very inspired to do my own music – coming to terms with the fact that I may have to make more folk-ey type music (because that’s what my voice is more suited to I think), and that that might just be ok after all.

Got home last night very very tired and now I want another weekend to recover. Not that it was all craziness or anything – I mean, it was FOLK for fucks sake… but you know.

I’ve sent out the ‘official text invite’ for my birthday party now. It’s definitely on the 25th March, 9pm at my house. Email sekhmetlion@hotmail.com if you want to come and I’ll give you my address… cos that would be really nice if you did (come that is). It’s in Fitzroy btw, so it’s not out in the middle of but-fuck-idaho or anything. Hopefully there will be a steady flow of alcohol (brought by your good-selves of course) and laughter, dancing – general good times.

I better get back to work.


Blogger ekstasis said...

no but she vomits sun-flowers in this one bit now...

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? That's cool. I loved when she used to felate an Ewok. That was sweet.

9:15 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

oh, I only just got into her recently... I missed some of the earlier stuff

3:47 PM  
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