Tuesday, August 30, 2005

ekstasis took ecstasy and is ecstatic.

Lovely boys and girls –> yay to drugs I say. Yay indeed.

Feeling great today – feeling mediocre yesterday, but only because I wasn’t drinking water and was just sitting/lying watching tv. If I had gotten up and actually done stuff, I think I would have faired a little better. But you know… eh. I had a coffee this morning. I think that was a bad idea. It’s affecting me a little adversely. I’ve been shaking and hyper… I’m not usually like this if I have a coffee in the morn. In the afternoon, maybe – but this is weird. But I’m just gonna go with it. I’ve explained to my co-workers the situation… they’re expecting strange things to happen. They’ve been warned.

Saturday was SO good, you just wouldn’t believe. I had, well… it was one of the best nights of my life. So good, I should be feeling guilty, but I just can’t seem to make it stick. I kinda feel bad, cos I don’t feel bad…and that makes me bad. I don’t want to be that person. I know people who’ve been fucked over, and if I wasn’t me, and I heard what I’d done, I would be disgusted. That angle is the only way I can kinda make myself feel bad. I have to keep reminding myself that I’ve done a shitty thing. But it just felt so good… I’m a bad person.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

Gun: yes there was kissing… and more… I’d like to tell you dets, but I’m afraid you may think it ‘too much info’… I may have to work myself up to it. There was more than one other person involved – I’ll tell you that, and neither of them were Dan. That’s the bad part. The rest of it, are pretty good parts if you ask me. Very good parts. If you know what I mean. ;)

Please don’t be disgusted with me.

I want to tell everyone I know what happened… but then I get all shy and feel the need to be coy. Maybe I actually do feel guilty but I’m hiding it from myself?

I’m refusing to get depressive today tho… as I’m aware that I tend to have an up-and-down personality, and I know that E can trigger stuff on the down… so HAPPY FACE and keeping up beat… I’ll think about how wrong I am later…

I had fun though. I’m young – I’m supposed to be having fun yeah? Oh shit – I’m justifying… ok… cool… well… yeah…

Hmm… I better get back to work… cos now I’m just rambling anyway…


Blogger Alex Mills said...

Shame on you! .. Seriously though, I don't think there's anything wrong with taking it and / or enjoying it. Much like drinking, smoking or watching Everybody Loves Raymond, it's how often you do it that is the biggest factor.

4:52 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

none of what you allegedly got up to is as bad as watching Everybody Loves Raymond...

8:10 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

it's not the drugs that I feel bad about - it's what I did on the drugs that's the problem - not that I'm blaming the drugs... the drugs just made it all so much better.... I'll.... stop talking... now

9:03 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

yes of course - but he doesn't know where my blog is... and angsty ranting is never going to be world famous I'm afraid...

although I caught the lil' fucker looking at my emails the other day, and he tried to lie to me about it too... if I'd gone "dude, whatcha doin'?" and he's gone "I'm just looking at one of your emails" I would have gone "don't ever do that again..." and been fine, but instead he tried to tell me he was looking at his, then I caught him out, then he said it was just up on the screen, and I caught him out again, because it wasn't on the most recent one... (wow, that was long winded wasn't it?!).
Point is - ... umm what's my point?

11:20 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

um...that honesty and privacy are mutually important?

12:08 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

I'm most impressed that it happened while he was asleep in the same room....

12:25 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Brain abortion.. Maybe that's what's been going own down here in Dandenong. It'll grow back, right?

12:31 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I'm less and less impressed with myself as time goes by... I'm starting to feel dirty (and not in a kinky way)

as for the E - I got SUCH a brain errection! (and so far - no abortions... and it's been 3 days... so I think I'm safe) bring on the pills!!! (but only in moderation of course... hehe)

1:06 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

actually, upon pondering, I'm not sure if it was a brain errection. It was a body errection I suppose... cos my brain just felt all warm and fuzzy... mind you - I don't really know what an errection feels like... so I can't really say - boys?

2:28 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

Well, it's definitely not a pregnancy abortion.. It's like a fetal obstacle course trying to get to the food court.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

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3:09 PM  
Blogger Alex Mills said...

E: They don't really feel like anything. A lot of the time they can just be a hassle, depending on where you happen to be.. I think that's why we take care of it when we get them. Not too sure how that would translate to a brain erection though..

9:04 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

really? I was told it was a pleasant sensation...

Yeah... I wonder how one 'takes care' of a brain errection?

9:03 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

vitamin 'E'?

2:27 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

what's high in vitamin e? Sunshine? no... that's vitD...

4:47 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

I... didn't...really mean vitamin e...

7:22 AM  
Anonymous rental agreement said...

Thanks for the post

2:28 PM  

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