-->Social Retard<--
I thought I was getting better... but it's taking a very long time. Small steps. I keep taking two forwards and one backwards. *sigh*
Saw two really good bands last night! Very folky, very cool. I liked them heaps (even though I didn't end up buying a cd, even though they were RE-DICK-ULOUSLY cheap... cos... well, I'm not sure why. I think my excuse was that I only had a $50 note, and I was going to buy another drink to split it, and then get one, but I didn't end up... why? not sure.
One of the guys in the first band was H.O.T... piano player - who can not like a guy who can play piano, and isn't afraid to sing with another guy on stage (you know, cos it's all like got homo-erotic undertones and all that?) (or is that just me?) (ummm... I think it might just be me). All were very talented, and I liked them very much. WILL have to see again.
I really do tend to lean heavily more towards male singers rather than female... I'm not sure why. Unless there is something particularly special about a womans voice, it tends just to wash over me... I'm more interested in a male voice...
I can't help myself - in any situation/place/event I'm at/in/whatever, I always find a guy to like. There's always one that, even if not totally my type (I don't even have a type I don't know what I'm talking about) I'll make myself like, just so there's someone to have a mini crush on for the evening. I'm retarted, I know. Now, I've just noticed, it's taken another step up - now I analyse any guy I meet for potential. Too skinny, too cool, cute/not cute - attainable/not attainable. Like last night, I can't remember his name, there was this big round guy. Nice looking, but I wasn't attracted to him - but even so, I'm thinking, 'he gave me a smile, I could totally be in with a chance if I wanted to...'. I'm retarted. It's probably not even true, which isn't even the point. It's like when I kissed the guy at my party - he was the token 'fat' guy of our group. So I guess I figured out of everyone, he was the easiest prey. How pathetic am I? (don't answer that...)
Am I the token fat girl in my group of friends? Or in one of them at least? I hate that.
ok, so no-one pay any attention to the self-defacating above... I'm still trying to get over myself. HA. I'm so 16...
SO I actually had heaps of fun last night! I thoroughly enjoyed dressing up in my new skirt... thought I looked very pretty, and I was very pleased with myself. It was great to see Liz and Maara again, cos we never do, even though maara lives just around the corner from me... I want to see them more and more and moooooreee!!!! So nice to be around - not hard to please, and always able to pick up where we left off the last time - no guilts about how much we don't pay attention to each other and all that crap that alot of people do. It's so easy and pleasant.
Another round say I!
Due to request, here is the Bedroom Philosopher's website, at the bottom of which you can join his very funny e-zine, which comes out at irregular intervals and makes me laugh.
Saw two really good bands last night! Very folky, very cool. I liked them heaps (even though I didn't end up buying a cd, even though they were RE-DICK-ULOUSLY cheap... cos... well, I'm not sure why. I think my excuse was that I only had a $50 note, and I was going to buy another drink to split it, and then get one, but I didn't end up... why? not sure.
One of the guys in the first band was H.O.T... piano player - who can not like a guy who can play piano, and isn't afraid to sing with another guy on stage (you know, cos it's all like got homo-erotic undertones and all that?) (or is that just me?) (ummm... I think it might just be me). All were very talented, and I liked them very much. WILL have to see again.
I really do tend to lean heavily more towards male singers rather than female... I'm not sure why. Unless there is something particularly special about a womans voice, it tends just to wash over me... I'm more interested in a male voice...
I can't help myself - in any situation/place/event I'm at/in/whatever, I always find a guy to like. There's always one that, even if not totally my type (I don't even have a type I don't know what I'm talking about) I'll make myself like, just so there's someone to have a mini crush on for the evening. I'm retarted, I know. Now, I've just noticed, it's taken another step up - now I analyse any guy I meet for potential. Too skinny, too cool, cute/not cute - attainable/not attainable. Like last night, I can't remember his name, there was this big round guy. Nice looking, but I wasn't attracted to him - but even so, I'm thinking, 'he gave me a smile, I could totally be in with a chance if I wanted to...'. I'm retarted. It's probably not even true, which isn't even the point. It's like when I kissed the guy at my party - he was the token 'fat' guy of our group. So I guess I figured out of everyone, he was the easiest prey. How pathetic am I? (don't answer that...)
Am I the token fat girl in my group of friends? Or in one of them at least? I hate that.
ok, so no-one pay any attention to the self-defacating above... I'm still trying to get over myself. HA. I'm so 16...
SO I actually had heaps of fun last night! I thoroughly enjoyed dressing up in my new skirt... thought I looked very pretty, and I was very pleased with myself. It was great to see Liz and Maara again, cos we never do, even though maara lives just around the corner from me... I want to see them more and more and moooooreee!!!! So nice to be around - not hard to please, and always able to pick up where we left off the last time - no guilts about how much we don't pay attention to each other and all that crap that alot of people do. It's so easy and pleasant.
Another round say I!
Due to request, here is the Bedroom Philosopher's website, at the bottom of which you can join his very funny e-zine, which comes out at irregular intervals and makes me laugh.
1) was it Rish?
2)you are not the "fat girl", you are the girl with the nipple ring and the expensive, HOT pinafore-skirt-type-thingy.
3)thanks fer the webby addy thingy.
4)see you again soon?fufnfufnffunfun (that sez "fun", don't be dirty)
something eerie; you posted on my blog at EXACTLY the same time as I posted on yours. 11:37 AM, spooky.
It won't let me sign up to the mailing list, it's gone all wack, is there another way?
um. I'll find the address - also, read back over my blog - I've added all the positive bits that I didn't write in there before cos I was being a poo-head. :)
good to see u dude... :)
if you email this person, with your 'details and the last time you cried' you will be added! :)
yay!!!! yay to everything> YAY.
You didn't buy a CD?!?!
Interesting tidbit: The piano guy was a contestant on the ill-fated Popstars Live. He doesn't like people to know about that.
Was the round guy Rockin' Rodders?
ooh, the kiwi?
it doesn't matter who the 'round' guy is!!!!!!!
that wasn't the point. And now I'm not saying, just in case - cos that will be embarrasing... soooo embarrasing - it already is! There. Happy?
No. I'm not happy. Tell us. C'mon...
fine. I was talking about Rish. Just cos he smiled at me.
there. NOW art thou happy?
I don't know. He's probably gay or something. I always pick them.. But what am I saying?! I wasn't even picking him... I was picking the piano guy (who, now that you mention it, did look kinda familiar... how far did he get?)
The piano guy went quite well. He got in the top ten or whatever they had. I saw him poncing around with an unplugged guitar many times.
Rish isn't gay... he's a very verile young man I'll have you know.
Now I'm happy(er).
DO YOU WANT TO COME TO A TOGA PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Rish will be there.)
DO YOU WANT TO COME TO A TOGA PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Rish will be there.)
It's at MY HOUSE.
oh for fuck's sake.... I hate you both.
I'm seeing a play tomorrow night, but I can maybe come afterwards - don't know. Probably can't be bothered... you know me. Especially when you shit me. :P
what does a toga party involve? (and why didn't you tell me last night?)
and, so if that guy was in the top 10, then why isn't his band more famous? Is it because the Australian public has collective memory of a goldfish, or what?
I forgot, it was only arranged a couple of days ago, and the party is a going away party for someone I don't really like...
But you should come...
A toga party is when you dress up in a sheet, But i DONT think it should be compulsory, I only like costumes when you get to choose them and they're cool. I'm not really that excited about the toga thing
but DO COME, I'm not sure if there will be many people there I like, it'd be nice to have you in my corner ( and it probably will be a corner).
you know, I don't think I actually know where you live. Strange. Are you in upwey? I think you've moved a couple of times since I went to your house last.
is it at all possible to truely look sexy in a sheet?
Not for me, there are some that can pull it off, I think you really need the laurels to go with it or vine leaves or some shit, otherwise it just looks like a sheet, also....
I'm TINY sheets are BIG, I'll just look like laundry...
you could try a pillow cover?
I dont have any plain ones, and they're a little on the small side, check your email.
Thanks for the great post
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