totally in love OR: more unrequited love... just what the heart needs

I have a new crush! I am actually kinda excited about it - I like 'liking' someone... it's fun. All the fantasy's you can create, the lustings... keeps me entertained anyway. But this should be explained a little:
I saw THE BEST play I have EVER seen... I really really reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally loved it (I loved it Soooo much, I typed all of those 'really's' by hand - as opposed to just cutting and pasting). It was called 'Construction of the Human Heart' and it was beautiful. unfortunately it finished on Sunday, so I can't get everyone I know to go and see it, but if it ever gets done somewhere again, I'll be sure to yell about it, cos like I said - it was just beautiful. It's hard to describe, so I won't try too hard... cos I won't be able to without ruining it and making it sound... well.... less than it deserves anyway. Basically it's about two writers who are in a relationship, and the play is them going through the end of their relationship, eventually breaking up. They start by reading from the play/script and throughout, jump back and forth between 'real-time' and the 'play'. I just LOVED it can I say that just once more?!?!?!?! LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVVVVEEEEDDDD...
And this is where my new crush comes from. He was one of the actors, and he was brilliant. He played it perfectly. I saw this play twice - once on Friday night, and again on Sunday (cos I just HAD to see it again - cos I'm a fan-geek. We're a breed unto ourselves, trust me.) I think Friday night was better. Sunday was the closing night, and I think they didn't have it timed as perfectly. But this guy - was just soooo great. He's been on TV alot I think, so he was very natural and udnerstated, which worked becuase of the small space the show was in (box theatre). I'm in love (but Ithink he has a fiance, but, hey, it's not like I was really in with a chance anyway...) It's one of those things where I would just love to be able to kiss him - and then act with him! Get him to teach me about stuff.... get to be around him on stage... learn from him... be around his energy (I'm starting to sound dangerously like a creepy hippy)...
I've been trying to find a pic of him so I can show everyone how cute he is, but the only thing i could find was this: (oh, I think it's put it up the top of the page... well - look there) oh, it's all fuzzy and stuff - this is wierd.. the first time I did this, it didn't do that.... ok. whatever.
I better actually go do some work... but just so you all know - I'm in love. :)
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
ok so the pic didn't really work well... look up Todd MacDonald - see if you can find any better pics than me...
It's ok to be infatuated with someone who isn't your boyfriend, but only if they ae very hot and you genuinely can't help it, you know what I'm talking about...
It could be happening to someone els you know...
hmmmm someone else I know.... but who?! gee that's a toughy...
I'm totally allowed to be infatuated with someone i don't have a change in hade's hell in being with!!! I've never even met this guy in person... let alone all that other stuff that just WOULDN"T happen!
yeah well your friend's situation is similarly complicated...and unnerving.
oh, it doesn't unnerve me at aaaall. I'm soooo fucking used to it. Do you know how many crushes I've had over the course of my life-time????? waaaaay too many to be considered healthy, I'm sure. And seeing as this one is purely fantasy, it's not troubling me at all - like I said: it's kinda fun.
As for my friends situation... I can see how that's a bit tougher of a situation... :( but she/he'll be fine, as long as she/he just does what makes them happy... :)
I feel like I've stumbled into a slumber party.
well I hope you brought your pjama's, otherwise you can't join our pillow fight.
oooooh, the feathers are tickly
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