Monday, August 15, 2005

Turns out: Leonardo isn't a hottie any more...

who would have thought?

I whatched a little bit of Romeo and Juilet the other day, and I was just wondering how I ever found that man attractive?! What was wrong with me?

This is only a quick check-in... I'm fiddling around on my computer, after lying on the couch for almost 4 days straight - I've been sick you see. So much for sticking to work for the money. That's TWO day's I've had to have off... I'm going to be very poor next week - especially as there is a jewellery auction on tuesday, and I've been looking forward to it for like, 3 years now or something, and damned if I'm not going to buy something.

Dan's been semi-nice to me during this sickness. That means that he's had many, though not constant, moments of thoughtfulness and care. On Thursday and Friday he came home from work to bring me lunch. I was lying in bed sleeping/snotting/coughing/starving. I've also had a couple of hugs recently, which was nice... AND we actually had ....'relations'.... last night. First time in a *snif* period of time I don't wish to recount.

I'm going to go to the gallery tomorrow and see how it all is going. I wonder if I've sold anything!

I'm currently whatching a doco on Keanu Reeves, and how talented an actor he is. hehehehe. yeah, ok.

but anyhoo - I'M BACK!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He he.


9:39 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

I've been trying to tell you since that movie came out that h is not attractive in the least, I seem to recall my preferred name for him being "Areseface Dickaprio", cerebral and witty huh? I think you were just conned by the manipulative romance of that sucky movie. It took time but now i really feel that i can claim victory: gun street girl 1
Romeo and Juliet 0.

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never understood the attraction. He has the bony chest of an 8 eight year old girl... why's that so hot?

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why did I type 8 twice? All the mysteries of the cosmos....

3:58 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

wow travis you must really like that show, I thought I was a nerd, Also I'm sure Ekstasis really appreciates your vague praise.

surly>Why DID you type 8 twice it's more confusing than mysterious.

4:40 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

man - I keep getting excited that other people are reading my blog, untill I realise that's it's a thin veil for SPAM!

I just wanna be loved for me - not just my consumer values... (does that make any sense?)

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, anyone who posts spam comments can eat my motherfucking shit. Fuck off and die you souless fucks.

Oh... the double eight thing was a typo.

9:10 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

where was this typo?

11:50 AM  
Anonymous rental agreement said...

This is great post. thanks fot this

4:43 PM  

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