Friday, September 16, 2005


bah humbug

I'm slowly maing my way to the bottom of a bottle of gin - ALL BY MYSELF - because all my housemates have gone to bed... *grumblegrumblegrumble* my only contact to the outside world.. or anything that lets me feel like i'm talking to anyone, is my blog... how sad. Am I not suppposed to be out flaunting/shaking/boogying etc the night away?!?! apparently single life hasn't instantaneously transformed me into the party-raging-sex-maniac I'd always hoped to be.

I'm fucked off with everyone at the moment (except you guys of course. Who guys? I don't know, anyone who reads this I suppose)... I'm not getting very much sympathy/attention from people... I JUST BROKE UP FROM A THREE YEAR RELATIONSHIP PEOPLE - when I tell you I'm fine, I'm really not very.... doens't mean I want to talk about it, but it doesn't mean I'll be ok by myself.... bah humbug to them..

I wish I had someone to get drunk with right NOW. dang,... it didn't work. I was hoping my wish would come true.

hmmm.... I can barely see my screen at the moment. I havn't even had that much to drink. My crusade to see the bottom of the bottle isn't really progressing as I've only had two (admittedly extremely strong) drinks. And I suppose it's kind of redundant anyway, as gin is clear, and you can see the bottom of the bottle anyways.


but I'll keep going shall I? Viewers feel free to turn off - I just need to talk to someone.

I'm really dissapointed with Jane and my whole situation. I told her everything that was going on this time last week - as I just needed to tell someone the whole thing from start to finish, and get it out of my head. So I told her about the party thing, against my better judgement - as she's slept with the same guy before, and slept with him barely hours after my little episode, and I knew she would get all wierd about it, but I had to talk to someone, and she was there so - it happened. Oh - also I have a really bad case of verbal direah and can barely keep anything to myself at the best of times. SO THEN she had this 1/2hr tanti about how she'd been fucked over and this that and the other... like, i'm sorry - but i JUST BROKE UP WITH SOMEONE THAT I LOVE - MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD>.. and she doesn't eve like this guy... like FUCK - what do I have to do to get a little ME TIME?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?


so I'm getting a little angsty. Surprise.

fuck off.....


not you - I didn't mean that...


I love you

purely platonic of course.


LOOK! *pointing* what's that over there?!?!
*runs away*

do you remember that gun? any chance you still have a copy of that story?!?!? I'd LOVE to read that again... would be nice to post it here or something. It was good damn it!


I think I better go do something else now - I think I may end up looking at porn I think... yay, my life rocks.

otherwise I'll just keep typing shite. Yay to shite. No? oh....;...


Blogger gun street girl said...

I only ever heard about that, so no copies, sorry...
it sounds like a very pretty cinematic cliche'; you drinking your tears away with a bottle of soumething-or-other, mascara running, moody lighting, black and white...or sepia...
so noir...
as for the jane thing, you can't really blame her, the way most human beings relate to a situation is thru their involvement, and how they are affected... think about if it was reversed... the only way I can link myself is that the funny little foreign guy made me feel pretty...
so you have all my sympathy, love ya.

12:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck jane. No, not fuck jane, but FUCK jane. She should shut her self-obsessed word hole. Whoever she is.

And my advice to you, Ekstasis? One word. Fuckapalooza.

Actually, that's not very good advice at all.

1:44 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

gun: huh? no - I meant that story we wrote together in yr 12 - "fuck you." "No thanks mate." or whatever it was... hehehe
and yes - I can blame her - and I shall...

surly: don't you love how I keep turning you against all these people that you've never met? hehehe she's ok most of the time - although I did kinda notice that she's alot less fun when she's not drunk (which isn't a horribly supportive thing for me to say) but it just feels like she's got no time for me at the moment... at a time when I NEED time!!

as for fuckapalooza - couldn't have put it better myself.

Bring. It. On

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trog: did you do a random search on 'fuckapalooza'? Is that how you meet girls? How's that working out for you? What? No luck? That's a shame.

Ekstasis: Nobody seems to have time for anyone and most people are boring as batshit when they're sober. Everyone seems to use alcohol as an excuse to do and say what they really feel and think. I'd prefer people to be like that all the time... not drunk. Just honest and forthright.

But then again...

4:18 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

You know what I find really handy about myself? I'm able to rise the the 'drunk' occasion (if that makes any sense) without having to drink. I mean, I'm able to let myself be swept up in the excitement of others drinking, and let myself be as silly as them, and have just a great a time without having to drink.
This doesn't mean that I don't thoroughly enjoy drinking, as it is much easier, but if I have the right amount of energy and care-factor, I'm able to reach the dizzying heights of impared judgment.

honesty and forthright-ness can get a bit much after a while. Sometimes I just want someone to be gentle with my fagile little ego... :) but I do hear ya...

5:38 PM  

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