Monday, December 05, 2005

never thought it would come to this...

My addiction to my blog has reached new heights. I've resorted to coming here to an internet cafe, because my burning desire to see which of you lovelies have updated (which, may I add, is NONE) that I felt the extreem need to come down here to this - admittedly extremely funky cafe/laundrymat/internet placey-doovey - lil' corner of Brunswick st to satisfy the cravings. I couldn't wait untill tomorrow to sneek on the internet at work... it had to be now. NOW. ....
stop looking at me like that....
I'm not a freak...


I don't need your pity I tell's ya!

I went down the road and bought a pair of runners today, so no more excuses for not going to the gym. yay. And... not so much yay. But I have to get fitter for China!!! hehehehe

soooooooo looking forward to it!
It was mum's bday yesterday, which went nicely. She really liked the earrings I made and the brooch I bought her - and added stuff to. So that's good. It was also another inspiration to start actually making stuff for selling, cos I really enjoyed making the earrings. Made me feel all warm, proud and fuzzy. Mind you, I've felt this before and it didn't exactly make me jump to my feet and get going on it all - but I'm going to try to tenderly cultivate this feeling and walk with it (as opposed to 'run' with it)
in fact, I may even go to my studio now, and start doing things.
That is, if I'm welcome there anymore.

all this stuff's happening at the old house, which is weird. I'm not sure how I feel about my old housemates anymore - they've been... 'odd'.... last couple of times I've been over there and seen them.
We have/had this roster on the fridge for bathroom cleaning duties and of course my name is still up there cos no one's bothered to make a new one, and just as a joke I wrote a little note - something like "haha I'm soo not cleaning your bathroom any more!" and apparently, so dan told me, someone wrote underneath that - "well, you've been visiting enough" or something like that... which is odd - cos I stayed there ONE night,a nd I didn't even have a shower or anything like that. I barely went out into the living space at all... so I'm slightly offended by that. THEN someone wrote under that "it's not like you or your ex ever did anyway". WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? 'you and your EX'? my EX just happens to be someone who still lives in that house, and somenoe who's name is still on that list... who's name is DAN, in case they'd forgotten.... sheesh.
So apparenlty Dan's written back this rather long note himself and gotten some stuff out in the open that he hasn't been happy about for a while.
But I'm kinda pissed off that these people who are suppose to be my friends are being so passive-agressive and that kind of stuff. Not to mention the fact that I actually still pay $40 a month there anywa (hire of the studio out the back) so if I want to come over, I damn well will!

*again we see the angst seeping out*
*I better stop now before I drown in it*


Blogger richardwatts said...

Fridge note politics scares me - much better to have such buried tensions out in the open I always say, even if it results in axe-murdering... Oh, and I updated today, so there. ;-P

7:14 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I know - it scares me too - I'm SO glad I don't live there anymore!

and, yes - you did update.... very sorry for the false accusations...
that was mean of me...

9:10 AM  

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