Friday, February 24, 2006

help please

I need some help:
please read the post before this one first (be sure to use a really high pitched voice when reading it - it adds to the 'sense' of the piece), then please give me a hand.
I got an email, asking me to answer these questions, and I will do it myself, but I'd really like to know what you would write (either for yourselves or for me) :)

1. Tell us something about where you come from.
2. List 5 words that describe you.
3. Who are some people in your life you admire and why?
4. If you could be anybody else, who would you be and why?
5. Where do you get your inspiration?
6. How would you describe your work?
7. List your 3 favourite things.
8. What do you do for fun?
9. What do you consider to be essential in your creative process?
10. What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?
11. Do you have a life/creative highlight?
12. How do you imagine yourself in ten years time and what challenges do you imagine you’ll face along the way?
13. Is there an idea or subject that you feel obsessed by or curious about at the moment?
14. What’s the next thing on the cards for you and your art? Any big plans? Exhibitions, gigs, collaborations, exciting things?
15. (Finish the sentence) Noise is...

I can't think of any way to answer them without sounding like a complete wanker (cos that's what I become when I put the 'artist hat' on... an art-wanker.)



Blogger gun street girl said...

wear the white hat.

3:46 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

The red one is for wanking.

3:46 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I don't have a white one. I have a black one though. It's furry.

5:14 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

These are metaphorical hats.
I'm talking about you kickin' it De Bono* style.

*(As in Edward)

9:44 PM  

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