ducky bbq

I've had an extremely pleasant weekend.
The Duckdive BBQ was very fun.
There was Beer
And Ginger Beer
And Cider
I really liked the Cider
and Ben (hopefully a new friend? what a nice chap) was taking lots of photos.
He takes a very nice photo I think.
I have nothing angsty to report.
Except that I have $10 to last me till this Thursday. (well, actually, I think I'll be able to scrape something together... I think I'll be ok. And I have a credit card - so at least I'll be able to eat)
I didn't make any jewellery today, even though I told myself I would. I even went to my studio and everything, but I couldn't 'get in the zone' unfortunately. I don't know if this whole 'putting stuff in the shop thing' is going to happen... I'm going to have to call the woman... But I did finally fix Matt's ring for him. I'm going to give it to him tonight - I hope it fits now...
He's a funny man. He makes me laugh.
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