Monday, September 19, 2005

what. the fuck.

ok, firstly now I'm a little peeved... my housemate just asked me to clean the bathroom. Ordinarily this wouldn't have bothered me in the least. But the thing is this: We have a bathroom roster. It was my turn a while ago - and I cleaned the bathroom. I did everything, except I couldn't clean the bathtub properly... cos we've got the shower over the bath, and it gets gross after a while. I sprayed, scrubbed, did everything I knew what to do... but I couldn't make it come off. So I left it - cos, well, what was I supposed to do? But then, after, someone else cleaned it. I kept meaning to ask who, and how, but I always forgot. Then at our, now world famous, party - Jane (drunkenly) kept telling me how Mel told her that she had had to clean the whole bathroom, because I hadn't done it at all and had changed the name to the next person on the roster. So they put it back on my name. So Fine. I just thought I'd do it again, so as not to create a fuss - I hate confrontation... and I'll avoid it if I can... so fine. But don't tell me to clean the bathroom then, when I've already done it dude! (Mabe I'm being completely irrational... but things like this get my back up - of course I'll never say anything... except for maybe when I'm drunk... hehehehe)

secondly, I saw 'Little Fish' last night with Dan at the movies. FUCKING GREAT MOVIE, although the ending was overly schmaltzy for my liking. Hugo Weaving was GREEEEAAAAT. I've never seen him like that before - he was so the opposite of all of his more recent roles. Great. But yeah - it was a good movie, but it didn't really make overly emotional.


the music in the credits made me really sad. It was just an instrumental thing... nothing particularly special, but for some reason I suddenly wanted to cry. For no apparent reason. And cry I did - all the way home, in the car, with Dan holding my hand. Then in bed when we got back... like, full-on, sobbing into the pillows. Dan did the typical 'guy' thing... he didn't know what to do except ask me what was wrong - and when I said I didn't know... he felt useless. Poor thing.

I really didn't know why I was crying. I guess I'm not as ok as I thought I was. Or as ok as I keep saying to people anyway. It was a little frightening I think. I think by the end of it I was crying because I was crying... it was strange. THIS ISN'T NORMAL BEHAVIOUR!!! if I was on drugs, I would understand... but I havn't done anything as spectacularly dramatic as that - for a few weeks. Maybe I'm mentally sick? (well... I know that I'm sick in the head *GUFHAW* hehehehe) Maybe I'm just sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay away from Dan.
Stay away from Dan.
Stay away from Dan.


Give each other some time and space.

You'll thank me later.

12:39 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

yeah, trust him^^^

1:03 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

look, I know that in theory that makes perfect sense... but it's hard. I know you know that, but I thought I'd say it anyway. If we hated each other, it would be different - but I still really like him, but i know that it's not what I want at the moment - so it's even more difficult to go Cold Turkey. I feel like I have to wean myself off him or something stupid.

We 'broke the rules' again last night. I know it's evil - but I think I used him to make me feel better. I'm such a cliche.

If we could move apart we would - but we're still not sure what's going on. What am I supposed to do? I'm not going to make someone that I still love sleep on the couch... I'm not going to ignore the fact that he exists and is around...................................................................................................


I wish I could snap my fingers and make everything ok, instantaneously.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fuck this breaking the rules bullshit. That's a one way ticket to therapy town, my dear.

9:48 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

yes yes I know thank's doc... it makes perfect sense on PAPER
my HEAD is a little different.

*grumble* he's arguing to stay now, which is a pain, cos I think I want to stay also... bugger

9:58 AM  

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