Wednesday, October 12, 2005

my wish list

these are the things that I want at the moment:

  • Toyota Corolla, pref red or yellow, automatic, something post 1986 (or any kind of cute car that isn't expensive and will get me from A to B, and isn't white) (or grey)
  • Digital Camera: Nikon D70 DSLR looks really good - good for macro shots (for my jewellery)
  • nice house to live in with nice housemates
  • upgrade parts for my laptop, mainly RAM, and possibly some hard drive space
  • Tix to the meredith music festival: damn those ebay whores and their limitless wallets
  • more corsets: I'm addicted
  • something to wear on the bottom with corsets: that black skirt is daggy, and it looks strange with just pants cos of the... squeezing...
  • new shoes: something dressy and something casual too - mine are currently falling apart
  • CD's - there are many many many many cd's on my list to get

hmm can't think of any more at the moment, which is surprising.

maybe I'll add to it later

if anyone else has any suggestions of what I should be pining for - let me know...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I was going to ask why you left world peace off your list... but now I'm just freaked out. You see, I've always wanted to learn how to earn residual income but didn't know where to start. So I just gave up. And now here's The Rich Prick... answering my prayers.

1:13 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

I think in some places in America, disabled people are given 'helper-monkey's'. I know, I saw it on a Simpsons once, but I think it may actually be based in fact. (what? the Simpson's is always an accurate depiction of middle america... right?)

1:27 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

You DO NOT want to get a helper-monkey.... Have you seen the movie Monkey Shines?

They fall in love with their owner, turn evil and set about killing off everybody around them, and then eventually their owner....

It's not an ideal situation...

8:59 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

anika: where do you live?

Gun: no I havn't, but how freaky - the simpson's ep with Mojo (the helper monkey) was on LAST NIGHT

I swear someone's monitoring my phone calls... and blog entries...

9:01 AM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

Nah, that always happens with the simpsons...

2:52 PM  

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