Wednesday, October 19, 2005

coming in threes

unfortunately not that way...


1) I bought a car on the weekend! (well, I put a deposit on it, but my loan was approved today) the only the thing is that it's got to pass it's 3rd party inspection, and I've also put that I need to get 'family approval' which basically means I want my mum to have a look. Other than that - looks like I have a car!
-> 1988 Toyota Corolla, red hatchback, auto - I don't know a heap about cars, but that's the important stuff to me.
((yes, I know I don't have a license... this is supposed to be incentive/something for me to learn in))

2) I went and had a look at a share-house on monday night. It made me sad and confused, becuase I was hoping that it would be awful and horrible and that would mean I would stay here, but it was actually great, and the girls were great, and it's CHEAP - only $292 a month! and it's a great location. Unfortuatly there's an issue with one of the guys there, but there was talk of kicking him out (he 's heavily into drugs - which I don't really mind for the most part, but apparently he was talking about some of his friends being on herion, and he wasn't talking in a negative way - heroin sets off my alarm bellls) but I don't know if that will really happen. I think it was a good place though. I'm still not sure if I feel comfortable moving - I don't know if I can do it... so that keeps going through my head.

and it will be in november
as in THIS november
but I have to buy the ticket by the end of october
as it - THIS MONTH
as in - I have to raise money... which is the hard bit. Anyone got a spare couple of thousand dollars they want to give me? you know... cos you like me so much? :)
Actually, with a little bit of saving like buggery, and a lot of getting into debt (ie, credit card) I think it may actually be an attainable goal... I don't fucking believe it...
It'll only be for a month, and this is why is has to be now:
- there's cheap flights for the month of november. You can leave any time within that time, but you can only go for up to 35 days. We can get form here to Bejing, from Bejing to Boatou, then back to Bejing then here again, stopping off in Japan along the way. All that for only like $1800 (which includes tax, insurance, visa, and passport),
- we can get free accomodation while we're over there - cos one friend of ours is staying in Bejing at the moment, and another one has gone back to visit her parents in Boatou recently and we can stay with them - PLUS cindy can take us around and show us stuff etc etc
So all we have to really pay for over there is food and sight-seeing... cheap cheap cheap.

I think I can totally swing it - I think it's totally going to happen... I think I'm going to pee myself or something I'm so excited. Also worried - I'm not sure that I'll have enough money... but I think if worst comes to worst, Dan said he could lend me some money... so the next few weeks will be all about tightening the belt a notch or two and getting my hands on that moneymoneymoneymoney!!!!!



Blogger gun street girl said...

I don't mean to be any kind of dampener,
is it really a good idea to be borrowing money and getting into debt {partially with your ex with whom I understand you are still sleeping}?....
Kinda seems a bit like you're running away...
everything may still be here when you get back...
but then maybe I'm just jealous 'cause I've been waiting to move for at least the past six months and two of us have the collateral, and the other is showing no sighns of save-age, and has begun to talk about how she is going to go to a third world country and look after underpreveleidged people...
You should really stay, and find a place with me and josh....

But then really, just do what you feel is the best thing and everything should be peachy...

*hipnotic suggestion: Come live with meee*

9:51 AM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

true: this is not really the kind of debt I was planning on being in at this time in my life... but I just think that this is an opportunity I can't afford to miss - and when I was thinking about my priorities, this is definitely at the top of my list.
I'm not definitely going to borrow money from dan - I think I'm going to keep it as a safety net, and only do it if it's ABSOLUTELY necessary... but I'm going to avoid it/keep it at a minimum.
I'm not running away from stuff... I know that. I wasn't even thinking of going away untill Jess rang me and told me all the details - it just seems like all this stuff is happening at once, and it's strange and confusing but really exciting at the same time.
I know that stuff will still be here when I get back - but that's why I'm hoping to get everything sorted before I leave. I know that doesn't give me much time... but this is what I'm hoping...

I havn't ruled you out as an option :) - but you have been saying that you're going to move for like...totally AGES now... so?
and I'm not sure that friends living together is a great idea... sometimes it can work, but I'm afraid you'd start to hate me... it's happened to me before...

and I don't like chicken, so I think I'll be ok. Even if it is lemon chicken. or whatever. If there was a pig-flu, then I might be in trouble, cos I'm a long -time lover of DUMPLINGS, and I plan to get dumped up when I go.

Hear that? WHEN.

9:19 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...

I havn't ruled you out as an option :) - but you have been saying that you're going to move for like...totally AGES now... so?

Ref:maybe I'm just jealous 'cause I've been waiting to move for at least the past six months and two of us have the collateral, and the other is showing no sighns of save-age, and has begun to talk about how she is going to go to a third world country and look after underpreveleidged people...
I was saying, maybe you'd be a more reliable provider financially....
but forget it, your selectivity when processing information would defintely cause problems...

4:24 PM  
Blogger gun street girl said...


4:25 PM  
Blogger ekstasis said...

and your cryptic communication baffles me, so that would also make it hard...


UPDATE: China has been moved to January, but it's more of a reality... looks like it's really really going to happen people... really the only thing stopping us now is my friend: she's not sure she's got enough money, but I think we can swing it. January would be good - there are all these festivals that are leading up to the chinese new year apparently... fun fun fun.

UPDATE: contacted the house today, said I was interested but unsure about this guy - hopefully will meet him this weekend and see the house again (and in the daylight). I still have a good feeling about it all, I"m not sure why, especially cos of this guy... but maybe the girls blew a passing comment out of proportion?
Don't know, will have to see...
I'm going to ask my house if I could possibly keep my studio here, if I can, aside from the guy, it ties up all my loose ends and I think I want to move!


9:57 PM  

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