Monday, February 27, 2006

ducky bbq

I've had an extremely pleasant weekend.
The Duckdive BBQ was very fun.
There was Beer
And Ginger Beer
And Cider
I really liked the Cider

and Ben (hopefully a new friend? what a nice chap) was taking lots of photos.
He takes a very nice photo I think.

I have nothing angsty to report.
Except that I have $10 to last me till this Thursday. (well, actually, I think I'll be able to scrape something together... I think I'll be ok. And I have a credit card - so at least I'll be able to eat)
I didn't make any jewellery today, even though I told myself I would. I even went to my studio and everything, but I couldn't 'get in the zone' unfortunately. I don't know if this whole 'putting stuff in the shop thing' is going to happen... I'm going to have to call the woman... But I did finally fix Matt's ring for him. I'm going to give it to him tonight - I hope it fits now...

He's a funny man. He makes me laugh.

Friday, February 24, 2006

help please

I need some help:
please read the post before this one first (be sure to use a really high pitched voice when reading it - it adds to the 'sense' of the piece), then please give me a hand.
I got an email, asking me to answer these questions, and I will do it myself, but I'd really like to know what you would write (either for yourselves or for me) :)

1. Tell us something about where you come from.
2. List 5 words that describe you.
3. Who are some people in your life you admire and why?
4. If you could be anybody else, who would you be and why?
5. Where do you get your inspiration?
6. How would you describe your work?
7. List your 3 favourite things.
8. What do you do for fun?
9. What do you consider to be essential in your creative process?
10. What has been the biggest challenge for you so far?
11. Do you have a life/creative highlight?
12. How do you imagine yourself in ten years time and what challenges do you imagine you’ll face along the way?
13. Is there an idea or subject that you feel obsessed by or curious about at the moment?
14. What’s the next thing on the cards for you and your art? Any big plans? Exhibitions, gigs, collaborations, exciting things?
15. (Finish the sentence) Noise is...

I can't think of any way to answer them without sounding like a complete wanker (cos that's what I become when I put the 'artist hat' on... an art-wanker.)



everyone go here:

I GOT PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave up all hope - and LOOK LOOK LOOK

now: your mission - VOTE VOTE VOTE for me, I can get MONEY
(I promise to shout y'all a drink if I win this month, or any other month)

oh my GOD I'm excited!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I finally did this tagging thang

1. First blog you ever read?
Drawing It Out

2. What inspired you to start your own?
The idea that I could ramble, talk, complain, vent and expose my darkest fantasies and fears (?!) to people who knew me, and if they got bored they could stop reading... so I feel less guilty about it. I have this deep desire to have people understand me... so blogging is one way to let people into a corner of my brain (even if it is biased and sensationalized...)

3. The best and worst about blogging?
Best: it's a release. I get to practice writing (HA as if I ever really construct a cohesive structure…). I get to make geeky-internet friends... they entertain me. Worst: I never feel as witty as my geeky-internet friends... I want to talk about everything that goes on in my life - and that's gotten me into some serious trouble a couple of times, but I can't seem to help myself.

4. Who was the first person to comment on your blog? Troll your archives and find out.
Gun Street Girl... duh

5. What has been your most popular blog entry?
I have no idea - and I'm sure as shit not going through 100 entries to find the one with the most comments (and if there's a way to do that easily, I'm sorry, I must be totally stupid...) I think I put this one to everyone else... Comments don't necessarily equal popularity - what was YOUR favorite entry of mine??? HA I got ya now don't I?!
ah... ahem...

6. If I re-named my blog I would call it...
I can't rename it - it took me massive amounts of brain power to come up with this lame one... don't make me go through that again....

7. If my blog had a theme song it would be...
'Bliss' by Muse. No one does angst quite like them... and that songs about (in my interpretation anyway) wanting desperately to be like someone else... pure angst. (oh, and once again, for the record, Matt Belamy is my God, and I'm going to have his immensely talented, virtuoso, genius children)

8. If my blog was a room it would look like...
It would look like my ideal bedroom: dark red walls, fairy lights hanging over pictures and around the window and door. Kinky/Kitch posters and some of my art (which, actually, at the moment involves nude screen prints of myself… nooooo I’m not self-centered! How dare you accuse me of such a thing!) Lots of dark wood, semi-gothic, very exotic, very sexy. Everything I'm not really...

9. Five bloggers I would like to have over for dinner.
Gun Street Girl, Idahorn (both of these have been over for dinner numerous times already - but, at least I know that we'll have a good time), Surlyboy, Millwood (cos those two bastards are funny when they get together) and Damien Jacks On, cos he's hilarious as well, and I really want to see what he's like when he gets drunk (cos, you know, dinner = lots of wine/gin)

10. Two bloggers you would like to set up on a blind date.
Surlyboy and Jessie - mainly cos they're really the only single bloggers out there? (sorry it's not more original)

11. Somebody I wish had a blog?
My Mum - I'd really like to see what she thinks about at odd moments...

12. If you were only allowed to read one blog ever again, which blog would it be?
Don't make me choose!
oh, if I HAVE to pick on, I guess Drawing It Out - cos it's one of the only reasons (cos I'm a lazy fuck) I have any kind of relationship with a good/old friend... and I value that....

13. Is there a fellow blogger you would like to snog / shag / do rude things to? Feel free to name names if you're game.
There's more than one, and no, I'm not game... sorry...
I can't stand rejection

14. Discover a blog. Link to a blog that you have recently found, or a blog you have been reading for a while and haven't blogrolled.
Surlyboy used to have this linked to his page… now he’s gotten rid of it, I’ll have to link it myself, cos I love it! It’s like indulging in a big piece of chocolate – you know it’s wrong, and it doesn’t make you feel great about yourself, but you love it anyway…

15. Tag five bloggers to complete this meme.
I don't know who's been tagged or not, so I won't pick 5, sorry.
I nominate Damien Jacks On and Jessie

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


finally saw Brokeback Mountain (the movie-of-the-moment from EVERYONE I know...) last night...




why is life so unfair???

to have such a desperate yearning for someone...

"sometimes I miss you so much, I can't stand it"




so unfair...

Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm now a bonified jeweller... cool

WELL, how excited AM I????

Last week, I was walking down brunswick st when Willow and I saw a shop/boutique that's looking for some consignment jewellery - so I went in and gave the woman my name and phone no. (after Wilz pushed me in there... I was going to come back 'another time') They actually called me back, and I organised a meeting with her for the next day, to show her my things, to see if she liked them and thought they would fit with the shop (apparently they got alot of 'hippie beaded stuff' coming in) and SHE LIKES IT! SO I told her I would come back TODAY and give her stuff to put in... but I didn't make anything all week (tired... no wire... blah blah) and I've been making stuff today, but I'm not going to get it done on time....
but the point is: I'M GOING TO HAVE MY STUFF IN A SHOP! (finally)

((I'm at the old house - Dan was kind enough to let me use his computer/internet - we STILL don't have a phone line...))

I bought the new Muse DVD today (yes, I'm a tad obsessed) and I love it. I think they are the most amazing thing ever to rock my world... I just don't ever get sick of them (although, I can see how others might).

I was singing last night - and I actually didn't mind how I was sounding too much... which is a step in the right direction. I was just plucking on the guitar with some Tabs that I got, and yeah - it was all good... that is, untill I tried to put some of the words I've written to a melody - and guess what??? I SUCK at melody's... (well, I suck at trying to write chords, and then put something over it... I think I would be ok with a melody... oh I'm rambling) no - I SUCK at writing music.

I had a CRAZY night on Sat... lots of dancing and bumping and grinding... and I think I almost kissed Aniko - or she almost kissed me or something... anyway - dan was shat. I did kiss Matt, and he had his hand down my top at one stage... which was lots of fun of course - but there was this mix-up with another guy, and Jane thinking I was totally into him, when I was just having a conversation with him... etc etc and she got all 'high school' and went and talked to him and stuff... very embarrasing. I'm not looking forward to seeing him at the next party, cos he's going to think I'm a freak now - and it's not even my fault. blah.

STILL haven't rectified the housemate situation. We've now promised ourselves that it will 'definitely be tonight' for like, 4 nights running, but then we chicken out, or he's not home... or whatever. The girls are really excited about our potential housemate (as am I of course) so we've gotta get things rolling!!!!!!!!! We're also looking forward to having a housewarming, finally, after all this time, so as soon as things are worked out - I can start planning (and of course, I'll let y'all know!)

Had a couple of good nights with this new potential housemate (oh, fuck it - TOM) last week - drinking and the like. Went to the Pinnacle and met up with some other friends of mine, and dragged him and Wilz along. We did some 'pre-housemate bonding'. got far too drunk and late for a 'school night' - but I GOT ASKED FOR MY PHONE NUMBER! (and I got theirs) hehehehehe for the first time ever. Yes, I'm truely hot stuff at the moment (so it's hardly surprising of course) but yeah.. I'm all very excited about it. He was cute and funky, and funny... I wouldn't say I'm in love, I wouldn't even say I've got a crush... but..... it's all fun and games right? I txted him yesterday - and still no reply - so, it's probably not going to happen... but I'm not crushed, and I'm still very excited that the first bit happened at all!

I do have a crush though - which is always fun. It's not someone that anyone out there in blog-land is going to know, but I'm going to keep it my dirty little secret for the time being... tee hee. Of course, they have a girlfriend and are totally unavailable.. but then EVERY guy I like at the moment has a girlfriend... so there you go. What is it with that? All the ones I pick are either gay or have girlfriends???? Typical hey?

this is such a jumble of a post... I'm just rambling. i'm not happy with the last entry either - what a waste of a 100th-post occasion... ah well.

I better get back to my pieces that are currently sitting in the acid bath....

Friday, February 17, 2006


my workmate (god love her) just said the funniest thing to me:

"isn't Belgrave near the beach?"

tee hee

yeah... that's why we've all got such great tans...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


yes, that's right sports-fans... this is the 100th angsty post... how exciting.

I'm still working on my answers to the more recent tagging, it's hard to do it cos I STILL don't have a phone line at home, and thus - no internet. Which, is, getting... harder... to bear....

As soon as that all gets up and running though, I will no longer have to sneak on for 30 secs at a time at work, and will be able to concentrate on a suitable reply...

Don't have TOO much to add to recent events.... still havn't gotten rid of the stupid american... unfortunatley. We're going to have to do something about that REALLY soon... My housemates met our new potential housemate last night - and they loved him... so we're really going to have to get on-top of all that stuff..... cos... yeah

I better get back to it... (I'm really into '...' at the moment it seems...)


Thursday, February 09, 2006

a quickie

just a quickie - I'm sneaking on at work

not having the internet is KILLING ME.... stupid phone people.

hopefully that will sort itself out by tonight though.

what WON'T sort itself out though, is that we've just got a new housemate, and he's not working out... and we're wondering if a) we can, and b) we have the guts to, kick him out after a week. He's just not fitting in, and not only that but he hasn't given us money yet... not any money... so we're pretty fucked off. He's lived with us for a week for free now, and said something about not having the funds, but he's willing to work for it (he's done some gardening - which we didn't ask him to, nor did we discuss that that was an acceptable substitute for paying rent...)

I'm not good at confrontations, but this isn't working.

He's AMERICAN. I should have known, shouldn't I?
(ooooh, she's being racist now...)

Monday, February 06, 2006


I got home from holidays to find our phone has been disconected - erroniously. They didn't send us a bill, and within a month they cut us off - seems a bit fast to me, but they're all fuck-heads, so it doesn't really surprise me.

I'm at mums. Typing this. I can't update at home - obviously because of the phone line being non-existant.

Alot has happened while I was away, I got home to find. Alot of Dan shit (where will it end?) I can't be bothered talking/writing about it now, and the problem is, for half of it, I've been sworn to secrecy anyway, so there's no way for me to get if off my chest anyway. So Ill sit and brood some more....

But Mum's is good, as always, if a tad overbearring. I know she means well. :)


I'll leave it at that.