Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I feel pretty

anyone else have a REALLY BIG weekend???
I sure did.
I’m still recovering you see…
Or, big BIRTHDAY weekend, you could say
Because that’s what it was…
OR big-birthday-bestest-bash ever weekend
It was SUCH a good party. It was the BEST party I think I’ve ever been to… and it was at my OWN HOUSE.
I got massively trashed on numerous substances, and the night is admittedly a bit hazy – although I’m pretty sure I remember most of it – just not the order everything happened in. Like, I remember everyone leaving, but I can’t remember at what stage they left, and what they saw before they left…
All my wishes came true: there was fun, frivolity, debauchery, drinking, good times. That’s what I asked for right? (I think I also wanted spin-the-bottle, which didn't happen... but near enough is good enough for me!)
I don’t think I’ve ever felt quite so attractive as I do at the moment.
I had the happiest night of my life.
Everyone liked my room, and a lot of action happened in there that night. I mean, action AND action… if you know what I mean *wink wink*
At one stage I was lying on my bed, with Hamish (friend from Primary School – hadn’t seen him in exactly a year and a day – he was at my 21st last year!) in one arm, with his hand on my boob, and Simon (and sometimes Michael) in the other arm with their respective hands on my other boob… (well, actually, Michael was more interested in Hamish… but I still had fun watching) and some other miscellaneous boy lying across my feet – I was in absolute heaven.
At another stage I was rubbing myself and various parts of my body, including my lips up against Telia’s body, also on my bed, and she was doing the same back.
At one stage I was sitting on Hamish's lap while he had his face buried in my chest...
I danced with everyone (I think). I was so happy that people came, and I was so happy that the people who came were the people who came. Does that make any sense? No? Well, you’ll just have to take my word for it…
I just feel like gushing and gushing and gushing. I better stop now because otherwise I’ll be here forever.
But it was a fucking good party… like you wouldn’t believe.
Nuts to all those who missed out!
And love and kisses to all those that came! You rock my pretty little world.

Friday, March 24, 2006

all my blog dreams come true

so, like I said: I'm not cool enough to get the joke - and seeing as I'm the kind of person I am, I'm going to answer each and every one of Angry's questions... if you have a problem with that - he's the one you need to have words with.

-Do you believe in god?
nope, but I believe in something - I'm just not entirely sure what that is
-How old were you when you lost your viginity?
-Have you ever been in love?
-What do you hate about yourself?
I don't think I'm very cool - and I tend not to 'get' things...
-Are you afraid of dying?
sometimes - but not always
-When did you last cry?
last thursday
-Are you lonely?
not at the moment
-How often do you masturbate?
usually at least once a day
-Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
not a real proper one - but it was a minor concern once
-Have you ever cheated on someone?
-Marriage and kids, could you ever see it for yourself?
I don't believe in marriage, but I would like to have a kid (one) one day
-Have you ever cut yourself?
-Are you able to have sex without any emotional hang ups?
I'm not positive - but I'm testing the theory that I am able, as we speak (well, not as we speak but you know what I mean). So far so good.
-Do you like Johnny Cash or do you think he's just been appropriated by a horde of posers and his talent is meagre at best?
Don't really like him - I watched the movie and it didn't do much for me
-'Man Who Sold the World', Bowie or Nirvana version better?
well, I've only heard the Nirvana version (much to my dissapointment)... I LOVE that song - mostly because it was linked to a really great moment of a stage play that I saw
-Has someone ever hit you in the face?
-What is your biggest regret?
fucking Dan over
-Would you sleep with Surlyboy if you had the opportunity?
In a millisecond
-Have you ever been seriously ill/injured?
-Have you ever made the deliberate choice to hurt someone?
hrm. Emotionally - yes in a revenge type way. Physically - yes in a playful way
-Do you believe in ghost, spirits, etc.?
-Are confident about the way you look?
at the moment - yes, but ask me last week - no
-Do you see nobility or desperation in poverty?
I see nobility in how some people deal with poverty... I see desperation in myself when povo
-What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?
sooooo many things its not funny. There are soooo many things that makes a person attractive... I could be here ALL DAY if I tried to list them
-Have you ever been imitate with someone of your own sex?
-Are you vocal during the act of sex?
-What's your earliest memory?
watching a really colourful lightening storm out the window of this cottage that we used to live in
-Do you think people are naturally selfless or self serving?
self serving for sure (well I am anyway)
-Do you believe certain people derserve to die?
not really
-Is you life heading where you wanted it too at the end of High School?
very very very slowly, yes - I wish it would move faster
-Do you perform fellatio?
shit yeah
-If so do you swallow the ejactulate?
-What are you most proud of in your life?
I've accomplished alot and done alot of things, I'm proud of the whole pack of them
-What is the most affecting artwork/movie/book etc you have encountered?
that's a really hard one. The Matrix changed my life/me in year 9 (10?), so I'll just pick that one for the moment
-Do you have a tattoo?
no but I want one
-Do you like you parents as people?
I like my Mum, Dad's a shit
-Did you have a happy childhood?
-What do you enjoy about blogging?
talking about stuff like what's in these questions
-What do you want for your birthday?
people to be at my party - that's enough! (other than that - maybe a mixed cd?)

phew. Thanks - that was fun. Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Thursday, March 23, 2006


It's my Birthday tomorrow
It's my Birthday Party on Sat

You've got to love a good party... you even like bad parties usually (or is that just me?)

I hope I don't get my period untill after my party...
Murphy's law is probably going to say otherwise.

I can't wait to see all my friends.
I can't wait for all my friends to see my house!
I can't wait for all my friends to meet my housemates!
(My housemates can't wait to meet all my friends!)

I hope the weather is good.
I hope I get the backyard done up nicely in time (It's a jungle out there people).

I'm hoping to get to play 'spin the bottle'. I don't know why, but for some reason it's sticking in my head and I have the urge...

I'm going to get drugs sorted - and depending how generous I feel, will dispense them to the people I like - which is everyone, seeing as I invited them.
I'm sorry that I keep mentioning when I get drugs and stuff - I don't know why I do it so often... maybe I think it makes me sound cool?? That's really sad...

I'm not actually that excited about my actual birthday - it's just a good excuse to have a party, if you ask me.
I'm only turning 22 - it's not really a milestone - but it is decidedly 'early twenties'. Don't ask me what that makes '21'. I don't have an answer.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

here we go:

for those of you out there that are at all interested...
THIS is what I do all day at work.

"ooh, eftpos encryption - sounds exciting"
take another guess

the highlight of my day was getting these images up here...

woo hoo

Monday, March 20, 2006


I hereby officioally retract the last statement/blog entry.
There is a 90% chance I'll be getting lucky at my birthday party.
I already got lucky on Sat night - and the boy in question said he was really looking forward to my birthday party.
that's right...
ooooh yeah baby...
no more 'ifs' and 'buts' about it
for real
and it was good

I haven't stopped grinning....
tee hee

oh yeah - ps: he was that one guy that I happened to mention... the one I didn't think I had a chance in hell with - yeah

Thursday, March 16, 2006

NOT going to happen

last night Willz said to me:
"you better get lucky at your birthday party - I want to see some action in this room!"

I subsequently went through my party invite list - and all bar ONE of the guys I've invited/likely to come are GAY or in a RELATIONSHIP!


so there goes THAT idea...


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A weekend of nice-ness

Well, to start at the beginning (a very good place to start) on Thursday I got home from work to find my TRIPOD DVD had arrived in the mail, and after me only having to wait for one day… how cool is that?!?!?! I promptly popped it into the player, and sat down to watch a very very VERY funny recording of their Pod August nights from last year. It’s really good and really funny (did I say that already?) , and I laughed myself silly – and now my housemates think I’m a freak (yep, I think this time I pushed them over the edge). At least Tom laughed with me (or at me… I’m not sure which).

Then I went and had a drink with Jane which was nice as well – although she really didn’t want to sit and listen to any of my stories, but I was a willing audience so she unloaded all her stuff on me (not for the first time, and I’m sure not for the last)… Sometimes it really bugs me and other times it doesn’t, and this was an ‘other’ time, so it was all good – except for that my beer tasted really weird (I think maybe the Pinnacle hasn’t cleaned it’s taps in a while or something) and it was annoying because when I went back and handed it back and said it was weird, the bar staff gave me crap, and basically said that I didn’t know what I was talking about, and made me feel stupid. They gave me $1 off my next drink. How generous.

THEN on Friday morning, Tom and I were up and getting ready and stuff – to go to Port Fairy! (Folk Festival that is). He had a spare ticket so I got to go and hang with him and his muso friends, and watch a copious amount of FOLK (hurrah) – some of which was good (aka Sophie and Gorgeous) and some of which was crap-ola (aka I have no idea what the band names were cos they were so crap I walked past them very fast and tried to block it all out). It was sunny and I got brown/burnt in places (although my legs are still as white as ever – I think they have sun-retardent qualities). Got to see some very funny buskers/street performers (kinda my favorite bit about these things) – some funny cos they were funny and some funny cos they were pretty bad… I ate lots of yummy things (I’ve put on like 1 or 2kg’s this weekend, not that I care/am counting of course). Didn’t go swimming or anything, didn’t really want to. Slept in a very very small tent with Tom (“101 Ways To Get To Know Your New Housemate” by Alia out in stores very soon). Got very inspired to do my own music – coming to terms with the fact that I may have to make more folk-ey type music (because that’s what my voice is more suited to I think), and that that might just be ok after all.

Got home last night very very tired and now I want another weekend to recover. Not that it was all craziness or anything – I mean, it was FOLK for fucks sake… but you know.

I’ve sent out the ‘official text invite’ for my birthday party now. It’s definitely on the 25th March, 9pm at my house. Email if you want to come and I’ll give you my address… cos that would be really nice if you did (come that is). It’s in Fitzroy btw, so it’s not out in the middle of but-fuck-idaho or anything. Hopefully there will be a steady flow of alcohol (brought by your good-selves of course) and laughter, dancing – general good times.

I better get back to work.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


I’m sick of the stupid people I work with

I’m tired of my boring and predictable reactions

I’m peck-ish for new books

I’m hungry for new friends

I’m ravenous for new music

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

tafmo can bite my arse

which I'm guessing won't mean much to any of you, but then, you're not stuck in a warehouse encrypting eftpos machines. Huh.

I feel like rambling a bit today (as opposed to all the other stuff that I write here... HA!)
I'm neither happy nor sad.
I'm neither excited or subdued.
I still can't spell... but that doesn't make me any less intelligent (does it??)

Mel sent me this on the weekend:
1. BoobiesexualTongue-in-cheek term used to refer to women who identify
primarily as straight but who enjoy touching and fondling women's breasts with
no particular interest in genital sexual contact. The fondling may or may not be
sexual in nature, depending on the individual. The term was coined by blogger
and podcaster minx in a 2005 blog entry at and first
appeared in print in the February 2006 Penthouse Forum article by Rachel Kramer
Bussel entitled, "XXX Podcasts: the Future of Porn?"She's not bisexual, just

I think that sums me up pretty well.
Although - I went to the Nova on Monday to see a movie with Matt, and there was the most stunning girl behind the ticket booth... she was really sexy - and I wasn't even looking at her boobs. So I don't know what that means - not that I particularly care what that means. (Don't even get me started on my rant of 'why do people feel the need to pick a side so badly? Why can't we just float around the middle somewhere?!' cos that could last for ages).

Yeah - went to the Nova with Matt - saw 'Walk the Line'. I just found out today that Reese Whitherspoon or whatever her name is one best acress for that?? It really wasn't that good... surely there was someone more deserving? All she did was look like she hadn't eaten in a couple of months and bounce around stage. Sure - she sang a bit, but it was hardly the bestest thing I've ever seen. She was just kinda bouncy. She got an oscar for bouncing.... sheesh.... I mean - I can bounce... anyone can bounce... do we all deserve oscars???

I predict today to be a strange day.

I must say - I'm a tad dissapointed - I don't think anyone out there in the vastness of blog-land is VOTING for my work on - look, I don't even care if you don't think my work is the best or not. It's certainly better than the 'birth of barbie' - and if you weren't voting anyway, then it won't make a difference if you vote for me. At least get me back into the top 10 - then there's more chance other people will see it... ok? OK?!

I've been listening to FourPlay this morning. I got this cd from Port Fairy Folk Fest however many years ago - and it helped me through some tough angsty-teen times. It's cool that I'm going back there this year (to the fest, not to FourPlay or angsty-teen times)... I'm pretty excited about it. Even if I don't have any of the neccesary items for camping. Sorry Tom. I'll get snacks - right?

I'm turning 22 soon(ish). Y'all invited to my Birthday Party y'hear? I'll let you know details if you let me know you're interested - it's going to be on the 25th March (sat night) at my house. How fun. There'll be music and drinking and dancing (don't let that put you off... you won't be forced to shimmy on the dance floor - I promise).

If anyone feels like buying me a new corset for my birthday, that would be great. (hey - it's only $400 odd... that's not so bad is it?)

I'm going to have to go back to TAFMO now... how fun.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I STILL don't have a phone line, so I'm sitting at an internet cafe.
I just went to Lucrezia and De Sade (I have NO idea how you spell that for real) - but it wasn't open. I was hoping to buy... well... you know... that thing that gals like to have when they have to 'do it for themselves'. I don't know why I'm trying to be coy with you people. Whatever. I'm bloody horny. Fucking hell.
No one needed to know that... but I felt the need to express it anyways.

I found out that a guy who I trained at work (and subsequently quit/got fired) was stabbed on the weekend. He's the first person I know who's died since I was 2. I wasn't close or anything - but I know a couple of people at work who were close to him. It's really strange and surreal. Things like this only happen to miscelanious people on the news... not people I KNOW.

on yet another totally unrelated and random topic - looks like I'm going to Port Fairy Fest this weekend! My new housemate TOM (who hasn't actually moved in yet*) apparently got his hands on a spare ticket - so off I go! I'm pretty excited - it's a good chance to go and rub shoulders with music types... and maybe find that hot boy in the black trench coat that I met there all those years ago, that said he would come back to that same spot the next year, but never showed up... oorrrr maybe not...

*Tom came over on the weekend and hung out with me and the gals again. God we're excited that he's moving in - we really think that this is the missing piece to our house-puzzle. (yes I know you're reading this tom) but seriously... we're so excited.

this was more of an obligatory post rather than a real one - I felt like i should do this, seeing as I came to the internet cafe and all.. but there you go.
I hope it was more interesting reading than it was writing... most likely not I'm afraid...

Friday, March 03, 2006


let me know if she's coming
I can mentally prepare
and fix that smile on

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


please please please go and vote for me at

its a new month, and a new tally. You can vote once a day, and I can win stuff... which is cool.
I'm currently at no. 4 of the new tally board... check me out, and HELP me out.

it takes like 5 seconds (I counted)

I'm now no. 2! Admittedly, this is not likely to last, as I need to stay there for a month... BUT I'm not afraid to "pimp myself to my friends" as someone so eloquently put it on the site...

ok, so now I'm no. 8 - you're not voting hard enough! :P ALSO - my other art has been published now as well - so I have three different works up there (as in, 3 different series) so check them out as well, but lets concentrate on voting for the rings... ok? OK?